Tuesday, May 19, 2009

The Static Age

I finally got it!!
21st Century Breakdown Pictures, Images and Photos

I actually bought it on Sunday but left it on my dad's car. Haha, FINALLY THOUGH! 4 years waiting!!!!

Family Force 5 kick ass!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I guess that was kinda random.. there's a loong history of our class about this band that i bet no one will understand..

A brief history of this band themselves,, by me thru wikipedia. 

There are three bros in the band. They are Solomon, Jacob and Jason (notice all are bible names) who are the sons of the famous Christian artist Jerome Olds.. He was famous in the  1980s.. That is why this is a Christian Band.. So there are two more members,, Nathen Currin and Derek Mount. Ok that's basically all.  But quite interesting actually..
Family Force 5 Pictures, Images and Photos

OK....there's a freak guy that just added me on msn.. he sed,, "where r u now?" i replied "who r u?"
he then sed (yuck) "The admire of that beautiful legs of yours..." GROSS. Who the fuck is this freak? If this is some prank joke from my friend, im gonna kill him/her. Im blocking this dude now.. 

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