Monday, March 30, 2009

Scary Story

I was watching Oprah yesterday with my mum and sister and they told a really creepy story.. About a mum who has a young daughter, 2 years. She works for a middle school and it was the first day after summer.. Things were hectic and unfortunately her husband have to go to the dentist so she has to drop her daughter to the preschool.. She has to change her daily plans because of this and it was the most hectic day of her work.. She tought,, it was too early to drop her daughter 2 preschool so she first went to the market to buy some doughnuts.. She then quickly rush to do everything else.. Finally she got to her school and began to work like any other day.. She cahtted with friends,, do meaeting,, talk abnout her daughters... At 4PM, when her job finishes, a friend of her went pass her car,, she ran back to the office and told her "ure baby's in the car!!!!" When they ran outside,, the baby's skin was peeling,, she has foam in the her mouth and her skin was discolored. Her daughter died of extreme heat stroke..

The scary part of this,, it could happen to u.. OK, u dnt have kids.. but what about pets? Siblings? Anyway, u prob will have kids in the future.. This all happened because a change in the daily plan.. she has to go drop her daughter off which was ussualy her husband's job..


Ivan Fauzan said...

sumpah shar serem amat! haha. terus terus. anak yang mati cuman 1 kan? terus matinya naturally kan? bukan gara2 donuts or anything. hahaha.

SharonMarcell said...

ya gak lah!! Mati kepanasan,, it was the middle of August so panas abis,, no air in the car i guess.. Ngeri ya??

Ivan Fauzan said...

ohhh ditinggal toh di mobil terus mati di mobil. gila ngeri parah. haha.