Saturday, November 22, 2008

Almost Here

Been very tired lately,, it turns out i have anxiety problems. My dad proclaimed i need professional help. Hmm, is it rehab time already? i don't know. This thing is driving me away from my social life,, as if my past was any more different. I miss my friends. I don't know why I'm acting on such a way. I am now trying to distract myself by writing this blog that i bet no one even reads beside myself. Oh and guess wat? Turns out depression runs in my family. One example : my grandmother. I love her, but when she's depressed, it's sad to look at. I can't imagine putting myself in her shoes. She had a hard life, the kind where people make those "based on a true story" movies. My family don't really want to talk about it much. You happy people are so lucky. The best of people can find happiness in misery, while I find misery in every layer of life. I'm not emo, i'm depressed. Wait, that's emo is it? You people and your social classes.

Twilight freak much? I luv the book but not this crazy..

Fans are crazy, but that's the only way they can prove that they are actually fans.

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