Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Final Countdown

Yes, three more days till im gone.. BUt somehow its weird that i dont feel sad.. Idk
Yea i was upset yesterday with my friend,, but i cn still forgave her and all.. So don't take the letter as a I-wish-youre-dead letter. its not,, its a reality check but anywho i didn't write any names so it could be just anyone..

Idk why im not sad, im not excited,, i guess i stopped feeling those because the last few weeks i used up all those feelings and now when its like the last few days before i go, i feel neutral. u get what i mean? Anyway im going to the doctors now to see my TB test results then im off to a friends house.

OH BTW,, the pope sez its ok to use condoms now,, i didn't even know that birth control a sin!

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