Thursday, April 16, 2009

So wrong

Remember when Miley Cyrus lashes out with Radiohead? Well here's the continuation.. Feat. Mr.Jamie Foxx

He continued, "She's going to ruin Radiohead's career? The same Radiohead that gets paid a million dollars just to sample their song? That Radiohead?" A bunch of his guests on the show were also getting into the act, laughing at Foxx's comments and name-calling the Disney star. The group also called Cyrus a "little white b----."

Foxx then went on to compare Cyrus to other former teen queens, saying that Cyrus should do drugs like Britney Spears, become a lesbian like Lindsay Lohan, make a sex tape and "grow up." Cyrus is known to ride around her neighborhood on a bicycle, and Foxx also suggested that she "catch Chlamydia on a bicycle seat."

I'm a little bit upset right now. Actually i felt a little bad for someone. I think the person's being used. Off course i can't say anything seeing how much that person likes being used. It's sad really..

Well here's a happy news.. New Moon,, well not a fan of the movie (i like the books tho) but..

Jamie Campbell Bower will play Caius

I love him one Sweeney todd and Rock and Rolla!

CobraCam episode 2!

Poor Nate,, all that blood haha.. I love him. Get their new song on iTunes!

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