RIP Michael Jackson, King Of Pop
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Sing Sing
Funny how legends are,, you will think that they will live forever,, but instead they r gone the fastest..
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Sexy Nerd
What is up with nerds these days? They just got hotter n hotter by the minute.. 4 example the two Makhlouf Bros on the Cash Cash vid.. They are gorgeous.. good genes. :-)
(Alex: the top one on the right, Jean Paul: the bottom center)
Alex n Jean Paul.. idk which is hotter. Anyway this is my last post till i go bye2 to Singapore and risking my life to go to Hong Kong. Pray so i will not be infected by swine flu.
Listening To: Katy Perry - Waking Up In Vegas
I love this song,, its my fave from the rest of her singles...
Ok, so i have no imptnt news rite now. all the news are all about jon n kate, getting sick of it :-(
So gudbye 4 now,, have a great summer everyone! Be back in 2 weeks (i think)
Saturday, June 20, 2009
I wanted to join the "Insert Your Best Insult Here" Contest on .. If i win, i could get printed image of the band on a huge canvas,, or i get a free copy of Nothing personal. I made mine, and when i was about to post it.. turns out i have to live in the US, UK, Mexico, Japan, Korea and Singapore... UNFAIR
Well since i cnt post it there, can i just post it here? Off corse i can. U have to read the rest of them here,. some are funny, others are lame and cheesy and some keep using the Chinese phonebook thing... It's old! I saw that on "The Nanny"!!

Oh and another one.. FOB's going 2 CHINA??? WTF!! UNFAIR! They wnt even play here when they were in our region... AHGHRGHHGH it sucks!
Thursday, June 18, 2009
I just found out:
Whats up wth the name?? Anyway, sorry im late.. I wonder how gerard's doing as a father? No word from him since she came out...
Summer has a way to make its days longer.. I feel like i could sleep the whole day thu..
when ure sleepy everything seems funny including this..
idk, the way they talk is funny hahaha
tom is a big day 4 my sis.. its her graduation.. Congrats to her.. our skull only provides graduation 4 elementary and kindergarden and high skull.. We're supposed to have midd skull grad last year. Those cheap bastards!!!
Why is everyone going to Bali all of a sudden... including me,, yes my mum cancelled the Hong Kong/Macau trip coz of swine flu so instead we are going to Bali prob next week.. Well i love Bali, but i am getting tired of that.. Good thing my friends are coming as well so it will be more interesting. All you do there is go to the beach, swim in the hotel's pool, spa, sleep in the hotel's room, hang w/ friends and the occasional shopping trip. But one fun thing about Bali for me is,, free Hotel room! Yea, me n my sis will get our own hotel room. Not just a hotel room, its sortof like a suite! With a jacuzzi outside, the backdoor connecting to a pool, kingsize bed, my own fridge, flat screen TV (with cable!).. Yea, that's why we keep coming back.. free crap. Haha,, but we usually take a really cheap flight. But its worthed.. haha
Who watched already? Was it good? idk if it came out from wherever u came from but it hasn't come out here.. the only summer blockbuster movie i watched was Terminator 3. (Anton Yelchin!!!)
So hope u all have a great summer vacay!
Monday, June 15, 2009
BIRTHDAY BILLY! Ure 28 now! Hope the best for u this year, and hope ur band could come back here to Indonesia 4 a concert again! (My very first concert was theirs!!)
Great news!! Damned If I Do Ya (Damned If I Don't)'s full version has been added to ATL's myspace! I love this song! Even better than weightless.. I can't wait the whole album is going to be great!!
idk, what is he doing?? Anyway, baby Bronx is adorable.. good to kno he is growing hair!
I just woke up actually,, it's ten and nobody's home.. Home alone..
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Mysterious Ticking Noise
All my cousins (who r my age) came to my house to stay over last nite,, look what me n my only girl cuz the found on youtube...
The last one was recently found,, it was the first acting gig 4 him.. Ha gotta love him! :D
Friday, June 12, 2009
Falling From The Rooftop
Well as i promised,, it started when my two friends were hanging on he roof God knows why they dd that,, my friend locked my other friend on the rooftop so he can't climb back through the window again.. While my friend was hanging on the roof he saw an open window at the boy's room. So he slowly walked to the window and reached to it....
Now to my point of view,, i was watching TV with my friends when suddenly i heard a noise.. I looked at the backyard and first saw a broken branch from a tree that fell,, then some parts of the roof and suddenly BAM i saw my friend fell just like the way Mr Bean dd at the opening credits on the cement floor.. It's a shame it wasn't on the grass.. Anyway,, when i first saw his position,, i was thinking really hard who could that be,, everybody paused too coz they also ddnt know who that was coz his face was on the ground.. Then suddenly my friend screamed! "OMG!! *my friend's name*" And suddenly everyone jumped down and helped him.. he was motionless and i thot he was dead.. suddenly he groaned and lay there for a while.. Long story short,, he's OK. just a bruised thumb and he sed his back hurts..
So here's to make up my absence,. VIDEOS.
Just got back
Sorry i just got back from Bandung (a city out of my town) I was there for 3 days... I wnt post anything coz i am too tired but next time ill tell u how my smart friend fell from the roof top three stories high AND SURVIVED!
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Walls are coming down
Wow, ure flirting with him now? WOW, im that blind not to see,, Just remember, i have backup. Its that "close brother" that u have ,, yea in case that u dnt know, he was my bro be4 he even knows u, Now he regrets knowing everything about u.
Friday, June 5, 2009
Best day ever!
For all of u SLI students, u guys prob knows wat happend! SOPHOMORE SKID DAY!!!! Best prank to ever be pulled in this school! So basically me and the whole Sophomore class decided to skip the whole day. We went to my friend's home. I mean, MANSION. Freak, her room is like a 2 floor building! Anyway,, the teachers went completely MAD! They were freaked out coz the whole Sophomore (and almost the whole Juniors, sum went along) were MISING! IT was WORTHED Thoug, idc if we got detained because it was totally worthed..
At my friend's house, we decided to go swimming,, unfortunately my friend totally forgot to inform me and my other friend. But guess what happened! The guys carried me, draged me and threw me in the pool. I was wearing jeans and a frigging thin white shirt... Yea u know exactly wat happend. It was soo embarrassing but thankfully my friend got me another shirt..
After her house we went to the mall and blah blah blah long story short, I got busted at home. Not really coz my dad backed me out! Hahaha, so my mum cnt do anything! Tiring day..
OK, i think im going to rest now coz im so tired. Have a great weekend!
OH yea, i almost forgot!
Ure 30 now and OLD! hahaha,, dnt worry u still kickass!
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Cobra Klein! Haha, how original.
Has anybody seen the New Moon trailer?(prev post)
OK gotta be honest, that has got to be the ugliest were wolf ever! I mean, it doesn't look very realistic, i expected better quality considering the budget they got from the last movie... But overall i cnt wait to watch!
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Wat can i say am a fan... Hahaha,, i just watched this movie wth him also, Senior Skip Day. It was like any other teenage movie.. Porn, drugs and alchohol. His character was stupid tho,, but i gotta love his career, it shows just how talented he is as an actor..
Monday, June 1, 2009
I thnk i know him
But i dont .. im sorry, am just a little confused today.. Well maybe because its Monday.
"THREE TIMES A LADY" from William Beckett Jr. on Vimeo.
No comment. Haha, but the good news is TAI tv is back on! Yeah! Finally!!!!
Its examination week so im kinda busy these days. Studying. bull. Im not doing anything because theres actually a big mix up at my skull. Here's the thing, exams and IGCSE test (its college test thingy) happens on the same dateline so the agreement was we dnt get exams from the school since were so caught up by IGCSE. But being the crappy school as it is they told us we ARE going to have exams, the day before the exams. shit.
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