In obsessed with FTSK's song, Give and Take (remix).. Its fun and dancey,,
I totally forgot we have a test in Physics,, so caught up with art!! That's because Art IGCSE is in 2 days!!!!!!!!! How can we do test if my preparation works are still missing a few pieces.. CRAPPPPPPPPPPP
1. Finish alternative paper for Aztec Design
2. Create a new design because the one i prepared gone missing
3. At least paint a bit part for paper 1
4. Survive Physics
Stupid Physics... screw Physics!!! roar
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
I was supposed to do my art now but....
I was roaming around Purevolume and I found : Can You Keep A Secret

They are awesome.. and free download on their purevolume page!
And i was also roaming around MySpace and I found: All Time Low's new song "Weightless" available in iTunes and also Poppin' Video Mix. I can't wait for the new album!!!
I was roaming around Purevolume and I found : Can You Keep A Secret

They are awesome.. and free download on their purevolume page!
And i was also roaming around MySpace and I found: All Time Low's new song "Weightless" available in iTunes and also Poppin' Video Mix. I can't wait for the new album!!!

Forming Words
Hey,, just got back from my uncle's apartment. There was a huge traffic jam and i have to stay at his house for a while. It was fun,, oh and let me use this time to introduce the world:
Stomp, Drop and Roll!
This is a band me and my classmates made.. We already have an official myspace music profile,, but it has not been updated yet. But don't worry,, we are working on a cover of old classic songs and in the making of original songs. We are even having a professional photoshoot taken by our good friend for our profile picture. And i am proudly announcing i am working on the merchandises, making a few designs. Our genre is powerpop/alternative/pop. Same sound as FTSK. I'll let u know if we made any new progress..
Funny vid of Pete Wentz..
Pete Wentz : Bloopers from emilysembem on Vimeo.
Funny vid of Pete Wentz..
Pete Wentz : Bloopers from emilysembem on Vimeo.
Monday, March 30, 2009
Scary Story
I was watching Oprah yesterday with my mum and sister and they told a really creepy story.. About a mum who has a young daughter, 2 years. She works for a middle school and it was the first day after summer.. Things were hectic and unfortunately her husband have to go to the dentist so she has to drop her daughter to the preschool.. She has to change her daily plans because of this and it was the most hectic day of her work.. She tought,, it was too early to drop her daughter 2 preschool so she first went to the market to buy some doughnuts.. She then quickly rush to do everything else.. Finally she got to her school and began to work like any other day.. She cahtted with friends,, do meaeting,, talk abnout her daughters... At 4PM, when her job finishes, a friend of her went pass her car,, she ran back to the office and told her "ure baby's in the car!!!!" When they ran outside,, the baby's skin was peeling,, she has foam in the her mouth and her skin was discolored. Her daughter died of extreme heat stroke..
The scary part of this,, it could happen to u.. OK, u dnt have kids.. but what about pets? Siblings? Anyway, u prob will have kids in the future.. This all happened because a change in the daily plan.. she has to go drop her daughter off which was ussualy her husband's job..
The scary part of this,, it could happen to u.. OK, u dnt have kids.. but what about pets? Siblings? Anyway, u prob will have kids in the future.. This all happened because a change in the daily plan.. she has to go drop her daughter off which was ussualy her husband's job..
Nobody Likes You
Everyone left you
They're all out without you
Having fun..
As u can totally guess, ive been listening to Green Day a lot lately,, brings me back mmories.. Can't wait for their new album
I just finish watching Sex Drive.. Totally hilarious and great story line. Plus: FOB + Amish = awesome!!!!
I swear, i can't stop laughing.
But its a totally adultery filled movie so kiddies please don't watch unless ure old enough (like i was??!!)
My internet just got back so that's why i have not been able to blog for a couple of days. Sorry folks, technology's slowing me down.
Big news! My signature glasses look is overrr... I got contact lenses. I'm sure u peeps from my school notice, if not then ure prob blind. I fell like a new (wo)man!
Everyone left you
They're all out without you
Having fun..
As u can totally guess, ive been listening to Green Day a lot lately,, brings me back mmories.. Can't wait for their new album
I just finish watching Sex Drive.. Totally hilarious and great story line. Plus: FOB + Amish = awesome!!!!
I swear, i can't stop laughing.
But its a totally adultery filled movie so kiddies please don't watch unless ure old enough (like i was??!!)
My internet just got back so that's why i have not been able to blog for a couple of days. Sorry folks, technology's slowing me down.
Big news! My signature glasses look is overrr... I got contact lenses. I'm sure u peeps from my school notice, if not then ure prob blind. I fell like a new (wo)man!
Friday, March 27, 2009
I am hanging out with...
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Is it me, or has EVERYONE IN THE WHOLE UNIVERSE has a facebook now?
Morning talk:
Mum: Shar, isn't today PTC?
Shar: IT is???
Idk if she went to skull or not,, and apparantely i dnt care. All i care now is ART IGCSE IS IN 10 DAYS!
PS. Katy Perry and Josh Groban? One kiss girls, the other one sings church.. Does opposite attracts?
PPS. Lentera has a talent show comming?? Is it 4 real or a myth? Committees please explain!
PPPS. Start calling SLI as a private school,, i know its not,, it seems like it. We have too few people.
Morning talk:
Mum: Shar, isn't today PTC?
Shar: IT is???
Idk if she went to skull or not,, and apparantely i dnt care. All i care now is ART IGCSE IS IN 10 DAYS!
PS. Katy Perry and Josh Groban? One kiss girls, the other one sings church.. Does opposite attracts?
PPS. Lentera has a talent show comming?? Is it 4 real or a myth? Committees please explain!
PPPS. Start calling SLI as a private school,, i know its not,, it seems like it. We have too few people.
Someday Came So Suddenly
Today was the first day of our holiday for the week,, it was HORRIBLE as a matter of fact. It started good,, slept late.. watching the other people in the family get busy to go to work while i laze it up in the sofa. Then at 11 AM. Lights out! Great,, a holiday for my own with no people around to bug me,, and this happens! I wasted my time by redecorating my room,, removing all the things in my closet and putting it back in there, posting random pics on the board, go to my sister room and search for sumthing interesting, listening to my iPod and pretended that the TV is on, thinking on what should i do when the lights back on, brought all my pillows downstairs so i can sleep on the sofa (failed), taking random pictures of my somehow Chinese dog Miumiu, reading Indonesian love novels my sister kept in her closet, staring at the wall and off course eat. I ddnt sleep the whole 5 hours. That's because ITS FRICKIN HOT WITHOUT THE AC.. Oh electricity., how can we survive without u?
I read one of my sis' magazine and found an interview of a guy,, it brought me to this.. He has a point,, i do hate those people. Those people who say they understand some term and was actually bullshitting. I hate those people. Those "fans" who claim themselves to be the number 1 fans but turn out,, they only know one or two songs. I hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate POSERS. I don't mind band being fanous,, they want to. That is why they want to be a band, to be BIG. But i can't help hating those fake fans. Who just like them coz their looks or because they are the "in" thing. I hate them. There's a few peeps i ran into just like those people. And idk what to say to them..
Yesterday i watched a really really interesting movie.. Its very very,, well disturbing. I wanted to watch the movie because i knew this movie since a long time and wanted to watch it ever since. I was a kid then,, ddnt really understand what the story about.. When i got access to it,, I immediately watched it,, first it was funny, then it was amusing, And suddenly,, it becomes very disturbing and offending.
All i can say for that movie was, its a stop motion puppet, Billie Joe Armstrong played the main bad guy, Davey Havok was a fag, Travis Barker was a reporter,, and Benji and Joel were pigs. Actually, not really offending. It tells about a mad guy n its based on a true story that happened in the 60s. I only watched 15 minutes of it,, why? Dnt watch it next 2 ur mother!
I read one of my sis' magazine and found an interview of a guy,, it brought me to this.. He has a point,, i do hate those people. Those people who say they understand some term and was actually bullshitting. I hate those people. Those "fans" who claim themselves to be the number 1 fans but turn out,, they only know one or two songs. I hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate POSERS. I don't mind band being fanous,, they want to. That is why they want to be a band, to be BIG. But i can't help hating those fake fans. Who just like them coz their looks or because they are the "in" thing. I hate them. There's a few peeps i ran into just like those people. And idk what to say to them..
Yesterday i watched a really really interesting movie.. Its very very,, well disturbing. I wanted to watch the movie because i knew this movie since a long time and wanted to watch it ever since. I was a kid then,, ddnt really understand what the story about.. When i got access to it,, I immediately watched it,, first it was funny, then it was amusing, And suddenly,, it becomes very disturbing and offending.
All i can say for that movie was, its a stop motion puppet, Billie Joe Armstrong played the main bad guy, Davey Havok was a fag, Travis Barker was a reporter,, and Benji and Joel were pigs. Actually, not really offending. It tells about a mad guy n its based on a true story that happened in the 60s. I only watched 15 minutes of it,, why? Dnt watch it next 2 ur mother!
Monday, March 23, 2009
I love him for saying this
"I would never hit a girl.... except for Miley"
U can't tell how much i love u for saying that Trace.. haha.. He used to be hot,, now he's not that good looking.. Who cares! I love his music!
I'm looking for a video,, my classmate told me she saw a video of Miley Cyrus in her new movie and Trace is in it... All i found was a video called hoedown sumthing,, its plainly disturbing.. but i saw sum person that looks sorta like her little sister,, and her older bro Trace.. but its not clear and the figure looks fatter than the real Trace and the figure does not have any tatoos... Ughr, i wish that my friend wasn't such a forgetfull!
Extra extra
They rock!!!!!
and so do they
I found other awesome bands from Hopeless records, the same record deal as All Time Low. There's a million of bands i want to know more of, and i need a bigger space in my iPod. Oh yeah, iPhone 3g is available now! And its extremely expensive,, I have to wait for a miracle coz i dnt have that kind off money.. im not rich or spoiled,, though i sumtimes wish i am XD( confession of a broken heart... euw LL)
and also,, Gabe Saporta (hottie) says dnt wear fur!!!!

i got this poster from AP magazine and now its in my school notebook so i can always be remembered by the message.
Not urs, or mine,, it's ours
I watched The Devil Came In Horseback during DS. And i found it very disturbing.. while there they are, strolling around the area finding corpses and guns and pray that they are not next, we are here, doing nothing. I really wish i could do something, but all i can do is talk, not action. I wish that i can be older to go and see for myself and help them. Off course i could get killed...
Pete Wentz is hosting the Australlian Music Awards!!
Thank goodness, we can still watch it far away till here!
My ex SS teacher told me her cuz/friend used the theme song of Star Wars as her wedding song. She walked down the aile while they play it.. Inspiration for the future
Another video by smosh. My fave one so far.
Pete Wentz is hosting the Australlian Music Awards!!
Thank goodness, we can still watch it far away till here!
My ex SS teacher told me her cuz/friend used the theme song of Star Wars as her wedding song. She walked down the aile while they play it.. Inspiration for the future
Another video by smosh. My fave one so far.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
A new challenge to those sensitive ones,, dnt eat meat or a day, or a week. U could save a huge amount of animals and its proven that it helps decrease co2 in the air.
Morning, its monday. But Thank goodness this week is gonna be short,, 2 days of school, 1 half-day of Art only and the rest is holiday.
Pete and Ashley are on CSI! Click here to watch! Its the first video..
My friend went to a seminar.. Topic: "Can I Date?" it took almost a whole day so my friend left early.. i was supposed to go, but i already know the answer: "Yes, as long as u dnt get caught"
Anyways,, my parents dnt really care,, my sister's been dating since jnr high and they dnt give a damn.. Anyway its useless, with a school mostly populated wth kids under than me.,, who am i supposed to date?
Morning, its monday. But Thank goodness this week is gonna be short,, 2 days of school, 1 half-day of Art only and the rest is holiday.
Pete and Ashley are on CSI! Click here to watch! Its the first video..
My friend went to a seminar.. Topic: "Can I Date?" it took almost a whole day so my friend left early.. i was supposed to go, but i already know the answer: "Yes, as long as u dnt get caught"
Anyways,, my parents dnt really care,, my sister's been dating since jnr high and they dnt give a damn.. Anyway its useless, with a school mostly populated wth kids under than me.,, who am i supposed to date?
Something New
I watched The Boy With The Striped Pyjamas,, it was depressing,, the part where Bruno and Schmuel came to look for his father but poorly, poorly mistaken was the saddest thing ive ever seen. Good thing that was the past,, and let's hope that it will never happen again.
This week felt really full.. With events that is.. First the thing at skull which i still dnt kno so i dnt really care now.. Then, my ex-bio teacher took us (the grd 10 students) to go to PIM for his bday.. First we ate at lunch, then we went around and some peeps have to go home,, at last we stopped by at Starbucks and talked for hours.. About gossips, school, teachers, (bonner) and lote more unimportant events. Finally we went back from Pim at 7:30 - 7:40
After all the chitty chitty bang bang in Starbucks,, sum peeps remind me sumthing,, for some people GET YOUR OWN CREATIVITY OUT OF MUSIC,, AT LEAST THANK THE SOURCE
ahh, much bettter.
ok gotta go,, to dinner.
This week felt really full.. With events that is.. First the thing at skull which i still dnt kno so i dnt really care now.. Then, my ex-bio teacher took us (the grd 10 students) to go to PIM for his bday.. First we ate at lunch, then we went around and some peeps have to go home,, at last we stopped by at Starbucks and talked for hours.. About gossips, school, teachers, (bonner) and lote more unimportant events. Finally we went back from Pim at 7:30 - 7:40
After all the chitty chitty bang bang in Starbucks,, sum peeps remind me sumthing,, for some people GET YOUR OWN CREATIVITY OUT OF MUSIC,, AT LEAST THANK THE SOURCE
ahh, much bettter.
ok gotta go,, to dinner.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Clandestine Crunch

I got this from Pete Wentz's blog...
Clandestine crunch.. haha,, Pete can always make business out of everything.. Reminds me of Gene Simmons,, Man i love him. And his show,, i missed it..
Literacy week ends today.. We joined all of the events,, and lost to all.. except 4 Brian in the quiz thing but that was because he have Pierre and the good bell. I lost the spelling bee and i think the essay,, but its gonna be decided today.. Also the posters and door book covers.. I have a feeling we won't win.. Oh well, perhaps there's a possibility.
Check this..
This time, 37-year-old Dawn Blair was charged with "simple assault, disorderly conduct, recklessly endangering another person and harassment following a disturbance" after the woman assaulted a 4-year-old at the pizza party chain!!!
Uhh, i took my lil sis with my cuz(she's from NY) there and it looks like a real kiddie place,, i remmbered Chucky, the bigass rat.. Looks like im not comming back there,, and neither will my sis.
Im reading another book, im a big dork.. Who the fuck cares anyway? Pete Wentz reads. Bill reads.. A million other people read. Why not me? ITs ok to waste my time with.. And anywho,, it makes me look sophisticated. And it will "improe my vocabulary"
So.. TGIF,, have fun for the rest of ur school day,, and remember tomm is holiday! Enjoy ur life.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Do you enjoy me?
I finally had the time to read The Giver

It's a very complicated story but very interesting. It taught me about a different life, how it was and their systems and rules. The story tells about a boy named Jonas, he was chosen out of the rest to be the sumthing of Memory (i read it late last night i forgot some words) HE met The Giver who gave him memories of the past, before long ago, before they came to the "Sameness". He learned color and pleasure and pain. Other people in the "Sameness" could not feel pleasure or pain and they could not see colors and music either. It was taken away from them because it has sumthing to do with order and discipline.
One of the rules i thought was funny was that they are not allowed to use the word "Love".. When Jonas asked the parents "Do u love me?" THey got mad and told him not to use such a broad word,, they told him to ask them "Do u Enjoy Me?" instead.. Idk,, it sounded dirty...
I know its complicated,, i know i suck at summing the story,, but it is hard. U have to read it ur own to know the story,, trust me ,, I read through the whole book for just a day,, That rarely happens, just when im totally absorbed to a book.
Now to some school stuff,, i joined the spelling bee yesterday,, actually forced in the Spelling BEe. And i have some confession. I cheated! I can't help it,, the paper was right on my face and it has the right answer. Thankfully i'm not the only one. And i got what i deserve,, i got disqualified at the second round. Cheaters never win,, i never wanted to join anyway...
PS. I cheated during Essay writing contest too.... I bet i won't win.
It's a very complicated story but very interesting. It taught me about a different life, how it was and their systems and rules. The story tells about a boy named Jonas, he was chosen out of the rest to be the sumthing of Memory (i read it late last night i forgot some words) HE met The Giver who gave him memories of the past, before long ago, before they came to the "Sameness". He learned color and pleasure and pain. Other people in the "Sameness" could not feel pleasure or pain and they could not see colors and music either. It was taken away from them because it has sumthing to do with order and discipline.
One of the rules i thought was funny was that they are not allowed to use the word "Love".. When Jonas asked the parents "Do u love me?" THey got mad and told him not to use such a broad word,, they told him to ask them "Do u Enjoy Me?" instead.. Idk,, it sounded dirty...
I know its complicated,, i know i suck at summing the story,, but it is hard. U have to read it ur own to know the story,, trust me ,, I read through the whole book for just a day,, That rarely happens, just when im totally absorbed to a book.
Now to some school stuff,, i joined the spelling bee yesterday,, actually forced in the Spelling BEe. And i have some confession. I cheated! I can't help it,, the paper was right on my face and it has the right answer. Thankfully i'm not the only one. And i got what i deserve,, i got disqualified at the second round. Cheaters never win,, i never wanted to join anyway...
PS. I cheated during Essay writing contest too.... I bet i won't win.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
U Got To Fight
Today i listened to the song i told about yesterday to u all and it felt good.. I want to be happy and i want everybody to be happy 2! So relax and enjoy the rest of ur day with a smile.. Man im perky!
What else to cheer u up then watch sum funny videos?
Feel the energy! You got to fight! For Your Right! TO PAAAAARTEY!
Who is going to watch Friday the 13th? IS it going to be as good as the old one? Better? or Worse? U decide!
What else to cheer u up then watch sum funny videos?
Feel the energy! You got to fight! For Your Right! TO PAAAAARTEY!
Who is going to watch Friday the 13th? IS it going to be as good as the old one? Better? or Worse? U decide!

Polkadot Dogs
Breaking News! 50 Cent to Join Believers Never Die Part Deux Tour! is excited to announce that 50 Cent will be joining Fall Out Boy, Cobra Starship, All Time Low, Metro Station and Hey Monday on select dates of the Believers Never Die Part Deux Tour! THIS JUST IN...50'S FIRST DAY WILL BE 4/17 IN DALLAS!
Doing it pink for a change...
Any Tickle Me Pink fans? OR maybe Incubus fans?? Then this band is PERFECT for u!
Amberlin,, its not those pop-rock bands i always put.. Their songs are more like rock and alternative. Downloading their song now.. (free download HERE)
PS. Patrick (FOB), Butch Walker, Brendon (PATD), Cee0Loo, Janelle Monae, Travis (GCH) recorded together and made this awesome song which u can hear in myspace.. I am too nice but CLICK HERE to hear the song! Available on iTunes today i guess. I swear its a really good song.. It makes me happy (for a change)
Doesn't it make u smile? Pass a smile to sumone else tommorow! Feel it!
Doing it pink for a change...
Any Tickle Me Pink fans? OR maybe Incubus fans?? Then this band is PERFECT for u!

PS. Patrick (FOB), Butch Walker, Brendon (PATD), Cee0Loo, Janelle Monae, Travis (GCH) recorded together and made this awesome song which u can hear in myspace.. I am too nice but CLICK HERE to hear the song! Available on iTunes today i guess. I swear its a really good song.. It makes me happy (for a change)
Cmon lift me up (its a brand new day)
Open up a lil happiness today
So I can be someone new
Cmon and lift me up (to a better way)
Open up a smile on another face
So I can (feel something new)
Doesn't it make u smile? Pass a smile to sumone else tommorow! Feel it!
Monday, March 16, 2009

I can't believe i just found out about this. This had been around since early this year.. I would love to walk around showing off a pop art of Jack's face on my body.. It feel weird saying that..
Happy Tuesday everyone! I am doing art today coz i don't want to slack off till the end. I regreted doing that and all my schedule (like i have one) is ruined... Screwed
Cute eh? I love Ellen! She's funny and down to earth.. Pete's dancing is cute.. and his shirt "GABE IS NOT A ...... ISKY" Someone please tell me wat the shirt sez.. I want to buy it,, i saw the real Gabe (Saporta) wore it but ddnt have the time to read the thing.
My house just got blackout. All the house on West Jakarta dd.. Thank God its over now..
Womanizer womanizer ooh ure a womanizer baby..
Happy Tuesday everyone! I am doing art today coz i don't want to slack off till the end. I regreted doing that and all my schedule (like i have one) is ruined... Screwed
Cute eh? I love Ellen! She's funny and down to earth.. Pete's dancing is cute.. and his shirt "GABE IS NOT A ...... ISKY" Someone please tell me wat the shirt sez.. I want to buy it,, i saw the real Gabe (Saporta) wore it but ddnt have the time to read the thing.
My house just got blackout. All the house on West Jakarta dd.. Thank God its over now..
Womanizer womanizer ooh ure a womanizer baby..
Pretty Women
Take that Sweetheart (I love u Radiohead)
Miley starts by saying that she would "break down and cry" if she got to see a certain band (since she's worried about offending people) at the Grammys, but she was told by their people that they don't do that kind of thing. Miley sees this as insulting, but she apparently can't understand that to Radiohead, she's an annoying teenage fan who they wouldn't want to waste their time talking to while they're trying to get ready to perform. And judging by this appearance, they're right with their assessment.
Brilliant,, another reason why I love this band. If u think that's crazy,, u should read the comments the peeps wrote..
To appease her, they asked Radiohead only to be told “we don’t do really do that.” Miley was heartbroken because “this is someone I would cry over.” She ended up not watching them perform at the Grammys and said: “I’m gonna ruin them, I’m going to tell everyone.” And she did. She told everyone about this on a radio show. To add some perspective, Radiohead released “Creep” in 1992 at around the time Miley Cyrus was born. Suffice to say, Miley’s threat had them shaking in their boots. Or maybe not.
Another article.. This please me. Take that "America Sweetheart"
I am having a headache right now.. One word, IT.. Today was the practice test n its super hard. My head keeps hurting every time I think about it.
Listening to : Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber Of Fleet Street OST
probably one of the most incredible Broadway musical ever!
Sunday, March 15, 2009
CIty On Fire
Story of the title, its the chanting of the crazy lady / Sweeny's wife in the broadway musical Sweeny Todd. I watched the movie yesterday which means it was the hundred time i watch and i listened to the soundtrack today. It is one of my fave movie.. I could watch it over and over again in a day.. Unfortunately my record is only 3.. I can memorise all the songs (excuse my nerdiness) But actually,, its a gift. I can memorise a song quickly.. Such a lovely talent...
One of my favorite song from the whole movie..
One of my favorite song from the whole movie..
Anyone else watched it?
Two words: BLUE BALLS
Dakota Fanning officially in New Moon? Bad Thing or Good Thing?
Avatar Movie starring Jackson Rathbone and that Slumdog guy? Bad Thing or Good Thing?
Two words: BLUE BALLS
Dakota Fanning officially in New Moon? Bad Thing or Good Thing?
Avatar Movie starring Jackson Rathbone and that Slumdog guy? Bad Thing or Good Thing?
Blow Out
Yesterday was the night of the wedding, technically its an engagement party. It was OK, the food was great,, the only problem was the string from my dress snapped. I was strecthing and snap,, suddenly the string came loose.. I have to wait for the whole party to end to fix it. I have to keep putting it up my shoulder to keep the dress from falling. Despite all of that,, the party was great.. The food was awesome.
The next day sucks,, i got the flu today.. Its not that bad,, a little bit of coughing and sneezing and a heavy head won't stop me from the internet..
After the wedding,, I thought about my own BIG day and what song would be played...
I made a list:
1. Stone Temple Pilots - Interstate Love Song
2. Aerosmith - I Don't Want To Miss A Thing
3. Sex Pistols - This is Not A Love Song (yea, bad idea)
4. Queen - Crazy Little Thing Called Love
5. The Beatles - Strawberry Fields Forever
6. Goo Goo Dolls - Iris
7. Danger Radio - Kiss And Tell (hahaha)
8. All Time Low - Remembering Sunday
9. Green Day - When I Came Around
10. The Academy Is... - After The Last Midtown Show
11. AFI - Love Like Winter
12. Blink 182 - Fist Date
As u can see as u go down to the list,, it gets dumber.. Who cares,, My wedding. I'm gonna make it BIG and WEIRD..
Oh yay, our school is gonna have Literacy Week,, while other schools have prom nights and beat up ure teacher for the day,, we're reading books and writing essays.. What Fun!
The next day sucks,, i got the flu today.. Its not that bad,, a little bit of coughing and sneezing and a heavy head won't stop me from the internet..
After the wedding,, I thought about my own BIG day and what song would be played...
I made a list:
1. Stone Temple Pilots - Interstate Love Song
2. Aerosmith - I Don't Want To Miss A Thing
3. Sex Pistols - This is Not A Love Song (yea, bad idea)
4. Queen - Crazy Little Thing Called Love
5. The Beatles - Strawberry Fields Forever
6. Goo Goo Dolls - Iris
7. Danger Radio - Kiss And Tell (hahaha)
8. All Time Low - Remembering Sunday
9. Green Day - When I Came Around
10. The Academy Is... - After The Last Midtown Show
11. AFI - Love Like Winter
12. Blink 182 - Fist Date
As u can see as u go down to the list,, it gets dumber.. Who cares,, My wedding. I'm gonna make it BIG and WEIRD..
Oh yay, our school is gonna have Literacy Week,, while other schools have prom nights and beat up ure teacher for the day,, we're reading books and writing essays.. What Fun!
Friday, March 13, 2009
Albums to Look Forward To (for the year)
The Man That Knew Too Much
U know how it feels like,, when u were a kid u want to grow up so quickly and yet when u reach that age of being an adult, u think otherwise? Oh the irony.
Any great movies to watch this week? In the teathers: Slumdog, Watchmen, Shopaholic, ... blah blah.. Im not interested... Oh well
Ooo crap,,, u know whats coming up right??

WARPED TOUR 2009!!! Which is also the 15th anniversary for them! I love this tour (even though im not an American citizen and i never ever going to join it) because I love Vans shoes and the bands they pick for the tour! How awesome is dis?? (Sadly, i can only watch updates from youtube ]: )
Like this one from last year's Warped Tour:
Haha,, Alex's tatoo rocks!
Summer Hair=Forever Young was also the song of my last year's summer! I can't stop listening to it!
PS.. I don't put their pics in undies in my binder,, though i want to now.. I want to see how the teachers will react!
Any great movies to watch this week? In the teathers: Slumdog, Watchmen, Shopaholic, ... blah blah.. Im not interested... Oh well
Ooo crap,,, u know whats coming up right??

WARPED TOUR 2009!!! Which is also the 15th anniversary for them! I love this tour (even though im not an American citizen and i never ever going to join it) because I love Vans shoes and the bands they pick for the tour! How awesome is dis?? (Sadly, i can only watch updates from youtube ]: )
Like this one from last year's Warped Tour:
Haha,, Alex's tatoo rocks!
Summer Hair=Forever Young was also the song of my last year's summer! I can't stop listening to it!
PS.. I don't put their pics in undies in my binder,, though i want to now.. I want to see how the teachers will react!
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Kiss The Kook
Haha,, today my friends was thinking to trick me by ignoring me the whole day.. Off course, they failed.. Muahaha,, nobody tricks Sharon.
Anyway here's a little quote from my fave song:
Great words. True,, the captain goes down with his ship... A true leader would do that.. I wonder if there are false imagery for our next president? Vote well citizens!
I am thinking rite now on wat to have as my present.. My parents sed i can buy sumthing as long as its not expensive (That includes iphones).. crap But yea,, its the hard times.. The New Great Depression.
New quote,, same song.
Anyway here's a little quote from my fave song:
I'll watch as the sails disappear under water'Cause I'm no captain yet
Great words. True,, the captain goes down with his ship... A true leader would do that.. I wonder if there are false imagery for our next president? Vote well citizens!
I am thinking rite now on wat to have as my present.. My parents sed i can buy sumthing as long as its not expensive (That includes iphones).. crap But yea,, its the hard times.. The New Great Depression.
New quote,, same song.
Before you ask which way to go, remember where you've been
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Stay Awake
Today is gonna be a normal day... Yea rite...
Any clue wat today is?
Awww,, thanks guys,, this means a lot..
Yup,, my 16th birthday. Haha,, im not celebrating it though,, don't want to make it big till maybe next year.
Hey, the alarm works! I woke up today at 5.08,, 8 minutes delay only! Woohoo! I love that song!
Rite now,, im still doing art in my mum's office, i haven't paint a bit,, maybe just a sketch. Coz i ran out of watercolor paper.
OK, wish me good luck for the day!
Any clue wat today is?
Awww,, thanks guys,, this means a lot..
Yup,, my 16th birthday. Haha,, im not celebrating it though,, don't want to make it big till maybe next year.
Hey, the alarm works! I woke up today at 5.08,, 8 minutes delay only! Woohoo! I love that song!
Rite now,, im still doing art in my mum's office, i haven't paint a bit,, maybe just a sketch. Coz i ran out of watercolor paper.
OK, wish me good luck for the day!
Well, This is New
Well, gotta go back to work,, i was just taking a little rest from doing my art.. Almost finish (yea rite)
Don't Slow Down
Today i learned a little something that changed me... When i was going home from school today, I was so tired and sleepy.. I was bummed because i still have TONS of homeworks to do. I need to go to Puri to buy some materials,, search this, print that and all those crap! I can't stand it,, but then I do what people won't do when they are stressed.. I sit down, shut up and listen to my iPod. I listen to every fast beat song in my iPod and then,, i suddenly feel better. Right that moment. Wow, music does cure u.
So anyway,, i bought the new issue of Alternative Press.. This issue ROCKS. They gave u 100 bands that you need to know.. Hold Strong my dear laptop,, we're downloading a HUGE one tonight..
Not in the mood to do ART.. (Yes it is Wednesday) but tomorrow, our class is gonna do art the whole day! That means: NO SUBJECTS! Just Art stuff,, yay!
Im still looking for a good song to shake me up in the morning so i won't overslept anymore..... I think im gonna be using Break Out! Break Out! again coz its a really fast and not to mention awesome song! It's my fave out of all the songs in Put Up Or Shut Up.

Breakout Breakout - All Time Low
More at
So anyway,, i bought the new issue of Alternative Press.. This issue ROCKS. They gave u 100 bands that you need to know.. Hold Strong my dear laptop,, we're downloading a HUGE one tonight..
Not in the mood to do ART.. (Yes it is Wednesday) but tomorrow, our class is gonna do art the whole day! That means: NO SUBJECTS! Just Art stuff,, yay!
Im still looking for a good song to shake me up in the morning so i won't overslept anymore..... I think im gonna be using Break Out! Break Out! again coz its a really fast and not to mention awesome song! It's my fave out of all the songs in Put Up Or Shut Up.
Breakout Breakout - All Time Low
More at
The difference now is that im gonna put it in the loudest volume,, and place it near my ear... OUCH
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
I overslept today.. I set an alram at 5 AM,,
I woke up at 5 AM, with the song "Break Out! Break Out!" by All Time Low
But i woke up at 5.45 and my family was about to leave me.. My sister's school starts at 6.30 and mine starts an hour later.. That's why im still able to blog in the morning..
I got another pic of Bronx!
Adorable.. NOt a gud pic thou,, he looks shock!
Ok, gotta go get ready for school. Wish me luck and have a nice day urself!
I woke up at 5 AM, with the song "Break Out! Break Out!" by All Time Low
But i woke up at 5.45 and my family was about to leave me.. My sister's school starts at 6.30 and mine starts an hour later.. That's why im still able to blog in the morning..
I got another pic of Bronx!

Ok, gotta go get ready for school. Wish me luck and have a nice day urself!
Monday, March 9, 2009
Hole In Your Logic
My little sis wrote a story and i thought that it was cute
The story is about a girl sit in a chair
The girl play with Jevon
Jevon likes soccer
Jevon plays with Melissa
Little kids,, they are so weird.. I am still obsessed with Danger Radio.. U kno how kull their name is? Why are band names cool? Because the names are weird.. I really hate what they called my ex band... Can any of u recall wats the name? Its frickin cheezy and people will think our band is super lame.. Oops i spilled out. Who cares right? Its my blog, its my mind,, u cant control it!'
Did anybody see Pete Wentz and Ashley SImpson in CSI: New York? They play as a drug dealing couple.. Its pretty awesome.. Well i can't embed the video,, but here's a little sumthing for u Pete fans.
Ohhhhh pete,, why?
Question: Do u like Pete's new hair?
I finally got the time to check out: Artist VS. Poet
The girl play with Jevon
Jevon likes soccer
Jevon plays with Melissa
Little kids,, they are so weird.. I am still obsessed with Danger Radio.. U kno how kull their name is? Why are band names cool? Because the names are weird.. I really hate what they called my ex band... Can any of u recall wats the name? Its frickin cheezy and people will think our band is super lame.. Oops i spilled out. Who cares right? Its my blog, its my mind,, u cant control it!'
Did anybody see Pete Wentz and Ashley SImpson in CSI: New York? They play as a drug dealing couple.. Its pretty awesome.. Well i can't embed the video,, but here's a little sumthing for u Pete fans.

Question: Do u like Pete's new hair?
I finally got the time to check out: Artist VS. Poet
I think i blog too much
Yea, i do who cares? I love reading my own blog and see my own mistakes.. Its funny really..
It turns out,, not much of my friends actually did the math homework.. Phew, i thought i was the only one.. Misery does love company,,
Yea, that's the lyrics for the chorus of "Things" By Danger Radio.. When u listen to something, u can't stop.
Roaming around Purevolume and i found : This Century..
Im not a big softie for slow songs but this band totally rules!! Even though they're a bit slow,, their songs are still fun to listen to,, there are also upbeat songs,, go to the link :
Another band im interested is Artist VS. Poet
I love their name.. its really interesting. (And the bass player, Jason is super cute) They are on tour now.. here's the poster
And look who's coming along with them,, Friday night Boys, Summer Set and Sing It Loud... Don't you just love this poster.. Reminds me of a band.. I wonder who?
I went shopping with my mum and sis today for party dress.. I'm going to have a HUGE wedding party at Hotel Mulia this weekend and i have to buy a new dress which is new to me.. When I go to weddings i use my sis' dress which are OK but i want to have my own.. The wedding's gonna be my mum's cousin and she used to be a flowergirl in my mum's wedding. Cute ha? My sister's gonna be the tail or sumthing, idk,, she's the one that helps the bride with the loong gown.. I forgot what she called agen. I bought my dress,, Its silver(kinda green metallic) and black and really cool (being a girl). Can't wait for the wedding
Hahahha,, i can feel my tounge celebrating.
Wedding, a promise of Love,, or is it??
It turns out,, not much of my friends actually did the math homework.. Phew, i thought i was the only one.. Misery does love company,,
Can't Stop Feeling The Things I feel..
Locked In To Something So Surreal
U Have me going Crazy
Have it all wrong if U think u can walk out on me
Locked In To Something So Surreal
U Have me going Crazy
Have it all wrong if U think u can walk out on me
Yea, that's the lyrics for the chorus of "Things" By Danger Radio.. When u listen to something, u can't stop.
Roaming around Purevolume and i found : This Century..

Another band im interested is Artist VS. Poet
I love their name.. its really interesting. (And the bass player, Jason is super cute) They are on tour now.. here's the poster

I went shopping with my mum and sis today for party dress.. I'm going to have a HUGE wedding party at Hotel Mulia this weekend and i have to buy a new dress which is new to me.. When I go to weddings i use my sis' dress which are OK but i want to have my own.. The wedding's gonna be my mum's cousin and she used to be a flowergirl in my mum's wedding. Cute ha? My sister's gonna be the tail or sumthing, idk,, she's the one that helps the bride with the loong gown.. I forgot what she called agen. I bought my dress,, Its silver(kinda green metallic) and black and really cool (being a girl). Can't wait for the wedding
Hahahha,, i can feel my tounge celebrating.
Wedding, a promise of Love,, or is it??
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Math is
Hopeless.... none of my friends are available and the chapter im doing,,, i can only do two numbers out of twenty... I can do the other chapters,, i just dnt know the numbers!!!!!!!!!
I wish i could do this

To my math book! Ha, take that equations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I wish i could do this
To my math book! Ha, take that equations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok, i have the second chapter which is 7.5,, to do for m math. Oh well, at least 1 chapter is better than none.
Well i read the first question and it goes like this:
Well i read the first question and it goes like this:
Find the exterior angle of a regular polygon with
(a) 8 Sides (b) 12 Sides (c) 24 Sides
Um, help?
(a) 8 Sides (b) 12 Sides (c) 24 Sides
Um, help?
So Far Gone
I was just looking around the songs in my iPod to find some songs im not listening to. I have to delete some songs coz my i pod's memory is getting full. I was looking through and looky looky what i found!
Danger Radio.. I downloaded their songs late last year and haven't got the time to listen to them,, when i finally did,, I ABSOLUTELY FELL IN LOVE WITH THEM.
Their music sounds like The Cab,, but a little bit more edgier.. They sell their albums here, but only in one mall. PIM. I only go to PIM once a year which sucks coz they have an awesome CD store that sells almost EVERYTHING. and all of them are IMPORTS.
Just listen to this song,, see if u can resist the first intro...

Slow Dance With A Stranger - Danger Radio
More at
I just finished downloading the whole album two days ago.. This is actually not my fave song,, my fave songs would definitely be So Far Gone, Things and Kiss N' Tell.
Today sucks for being the last day of the long weekend. Our math teacher gave us a hell of homeworks and get this,, i wrote all the numbers im supposed to do on a paper which i left in school.. And when i tried to call one of my classmates.. I remembered i lost my phone! I don't memorize their numbers,, i dnt even memorize mine! So now, im waiting for one of my friend to wake up (his number is all i can remember) ,, he woke up at noon,, and ask him to tell me the numbers we're supposed to do, or tell me my other classmates' phone numbers.. This sucks, coz we have to do 4 chapters and it took me all week to finish one.. The horror..
Danger Radio.. I downloaded their songs late last year and haven't got the time to listen to them,, when i finally did,, I ABSOLUTELY FELL IN LOVE WITH THEM.
Their music sounds like The Cab,, but a little bit more edgier.. They sell their albums here, but only in one mall. PIM. I only go to PIM once a year which sucks coz they have an awesome CD store that sells almost EVERYTHING. and all of them are IMPORTS.
Just listen to this song,, see if u can resist the first intro...
Slow Dance With A Stranger - Danger Radio
More at
I just finished downloading the whole album two days ago.. This is actually not my fave song,, my fave songs would definitely be So Far Gone, Things and Kiss N' Tell.
Today sucks for being the last day of the long weekend. Our math teacher gave us a hell of homeworks and get this,, i wrote all the numbers im supposed to do on a paper which i left in school.. And when i tried to call one of my classmates.. I remembered i lost my phone! I don't memorize their numbers,, i dnt even memorize mine! So now, im waiting for one of my friend to wake up (his number is all i can remember) ,, he woke up at noon,, and ask him to tell me the numbers we're supposed to do, or tell me my other classmates' phone numbers.. This sucks, coz we have to do 4 chapters and it took me all week to finish one.. The horror..
Friday, March 6, 2009
Good News
congrats u two! Doing it for the kids! aaw... First blink 182,, and now this... The world's turning to a new leaf..
Does this mean Meet The Barkers is gonna be on again? I hope so...
I am right now listening to Punk Goes Pop volume two. Its an album that lots of bands (including four year strong, the cab, mayday parade, chiodos, attack attack!, etc) playing mainstream pop songs (including pussycat dolls-when i grow up, Britney Spears-baby one more time, santana-smooth, Love song-Sara Bareilles, One Republic-Apologize, Rihanna-Disturbia, Miley Cyrus-See You Again, Katy Perry-I kissed a girl, and more) I hate all the songs (except Santana and Katy Perry off course) but when these bands sing it,, they turn 10000000000 times better.. Ha,, i never thought that pop could actually be cool.

The remedy i did the other day made me feel fabulous! (and i NEVER say fabulous) Ah, i feel like a million dollars. I can laugh again,, yay!
One more good thing about this weekend, ITS A LONG WEEKEND. Not gonna go back to school till Tuesday,, no Monday Blues this week. Joy.
This is funny....

Just a good laugh,, for a good weekend!
One more good thing about this weekend, ITS A LONG WEEKEND. Not gonna go back to school till Tuesday,, no Monday Blues this week. Joy.
This is funny....
Just a good laugh,, for a good weekend!
Check out...

Thee Armada! OR
Sound like: Every Avenue, i think? Kind off.. idk,.. im not a good comparer.. There awesome though.. Check them out...
Roaming around purevolume and i found: an acoustic version of cough syrup (the Jakes), best song ever. I name my blog after the song... XD
Endlessly, She said
I don't know why i am mad today.. reminded by my past. Oh yeah. THEM...
Who r they?? Big clue: "R"
Yea,, that's an obvious giveaway i dnt give a fuck if they read this,, i dnt care if they felt offended.. i want them to be mad..
This had started right the start of junior high.. Its obvious i hate my school... this is because of THEM..... THEM THEM THEM.. Urhghghghg i hate talking abt them.. but its better to let it out now where peeps could know than keeping them all to myself.
Please Note that this is a thing of the past which i am just sharing this to get it over with (according to teraphists, it does work if ure still mad at someone)
OK. One of them, called me ugly (and that is not a joke,, he sed it to me, am a s*ithead) wow,, its like ure the most handsome person in the world.. Ure a fugly little sorry ass boy... atleast i ddnt cry when our little performance ddnt go too swell.. BOoHoo...
The other one,, is a sad sad person who thinks its all about HIM.. well its not, and ure not perfect either,., nobody is,, u shouldnt use ure power to attack others and disrespect them. U shouldnt backstab my fren for being him,, and u shouldnt have backstabbed him in front of me. I hope u were really serious when u sed "sorry".
Oh yeah, the other one? If u want to talk about sumthing that im not supposed to know.. GET A FRICKIN ROOM!!! Ure making the other person feels bad,, just because u think ure all that. Get a piece of life. Its rude and totally hurtfull.
I just have to be Thankfull now,, coz they moved out and out of my life. Now i just pray that they won't come back. Coz i dnt want to keep this drama going on. Keep punching walls.. like that's gonna help u get wat u want.
Im using my blog as an angry mail. I feel better already. im nore relaxed. 4ure info, i dnt contact these people anymore. Idk if they are diff or the same.. Watever they become,,, its not my problem anymore! In case you're wondering.. Yes im having a HUGE PMS.
P.S,, they give cheezy band names.
Who r they?? Big clue: "R"
Yea,, that's an obvious giveaway i dnt give a fuck if they read this,, i dnt care if they felt offended.. i want them to be mad..
This had started right the start of junior high.. Its obvious i hate my school... this is because of THEM..... THEM THEM THEM.. Urhghghghg i hate talking abt them.. but its better to let it out now where peeps could know than keeping them all to myself.
Please Note that this is a thing of the past which i am just sharing this to get it over with (according to teraphists, it does work if ure still mad at someone)
OK. One of them, called me ugly (and that is not a joke,, he sed it to me, am a s*ithead) wow,, its like ure the most handsome person in the world.. Ure a fugly little sorry ass boy... atleast i ddnt cry when our little performance ddnt go too swell.. BOoHoo...
The other one,, is a sad sad person who thinks its all about HIM.. well its not, and ure not perfect either,., nobody is,, u shouldnt use ure power to attack others and disrespect them. U shouldnt backstab my fren for being him,, and u shouldnt have backstabbed him in front of me. I hope u were really serious when u sed "sorry".
Oh yeah, the other one? If u want to talk about sumthing that im not supposed to know.. GET A FRICKIN ROOM!!! Ure making the other person feels bad,, just because u think ure all that. Get a piece of life. Its rude and totally hurtfull.
I just have to be Thankfull now,, coz they moved out and out of my life. Now i just pray that they won't come back. Coz i dnt want to keep this drama going on. Keep punching walls.. like that's gonna help u get wat u want.
Im using my blog as an angry mail. I feel better already. im nore relaxed. 4ure info, i dnt contact these people anymore. Idk if they are diff or the same.. Watever they become,,, its not my problem anymore! In case you're wondering.. Yes im having a HUGE PMS.
P.S,, they give cheezy band names.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
U know i hate u
Yes you,, u knw who u are
i love hating u, its fun.
PS. Pancakes = Deadly!! A man in Russia choked on pancakes and suffocated to death
i love hating u, its fun.
PS. Pancakes = Deadly!! A man in Russia choked on pancakes and suffocated to death
Fall Out Boy Trail
BEST GAME EVER.. check out to play Fall Out Boy trail. I played and it is not the easiest game in the world: Firs try: I killed Patrick, then Joe, then Andy and finnaly Pete.
Second,, i got attacked by a huge watever that thing was and my band died of sadness..
Oh... it was FUN!!!! Best game ever!!!!
Second,, i got attacked by a huge watever that thing was and my band died of sadness..
Oh... it was FUN!!!! Best game ever!!!!
This is our town (PLUS: Bronx Wentz's Pictures revealed!)
Word of the day: TRAFFIC!
One thing i hate about living in Jakarta, traffic. It took me 2 and a half hours to go home from school. Just because of rain all the cars on the street have to slow down. The government should really pay attention to our traffics coz its getting really annoying.
I just saw a pic of Pete Wentz and Joel Madden... daddies.
OH SHIT! I just spotted Bronx's pics.. aww first time ever since last Christmas...
Isn't he adorable? Aawwww...
I would save this and put it in my phone,, but bad news.. actually tragic news.. I LOST MY HANDPHONE??!!!!!! My beloved phone for three years was last spotted used by me in my uncle's car yesterday and now it's missing..
Now i have to use my dad's phone,, it's Sony Erickson Walkman, the thin one (dnt kno the name) But i rather have my phone back.. i know i wanted an iphone,, but wthout my old phone im nothing...... I need some time to be alone now...
One thing i hate about living in Jakarta, traffic. It took me 2 and a half hours to go home from school. Just because of rain all the cars on the street have to slow down. The government should really pay attention to our traffics coz its getting really annoying.
I just saw a pic of Pete Wentz and Joel Madden... daddies.
OH SHIT! I just spotted Bronx's pics.. aww first time ever since last Christmas...

I would save this and put it in my phone,, but bad news.. actually tragic news.. I LOST MY HANDPHONE??!!!!!! My beloved phone for three years was last spotted used by me in my uncle's car yesterday and now it's missing..
Now i have to use my dad's phone,, it's Sony Erickson Walkman, the thin one (dnt kno the name) But i rather have my phone back.. i know i wanted an iphone,, but wthout my old phone im nothing...... I need some time to be alone now...
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Burn the Empires
I am doing Art again. Yes. dnt get surprised if i keep saying that every Wednesday from now on.. We have Art every Thursday and we have to submit:
-two paintings, done and edited
-two reports, one on still life, the other Aztecs
by tomorrow.
I haven't done half of my painting and all my friends already did it in advance. That's me , ms. Last Minute.. Ugrhh i dnt work with schedule. I choose to ignore them and do stuff at the last minute. I know it is unhealthy but if i do it in advance, i cnt take it seriously and basically fool around.
-two paintings, done and edited
-two reports, one on still life, the other Aztecs
by tomorrow.
I haven't done half of my painting and all my friends already did it in advance. That's me , ms. Last Minute.. Ugrhh i dnt work with schedule. I choose to ignore them and do stuff at the last minute. I know it is unhealthy but if i do it in advance, i cnt take it seriously and basically fool around.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Jimmeny Crickets
Yes, i misspelled the title's name anywho its 7 AM and im bored in my mum's laptop, no celebrity news whatsoever that can beat the whole Rihanna and Chris Brown thing,, Even though im getting tired of that.. And the fact that there coming back together (WOw rihanna is a victim of love, how can she be that stupid??)
Anyway,, i really hate going to school today.. Really dnt want to,, i wish i am sick so i cn go home and sleep the whole day.. Reeaally dnt wanna face school and teachers.. WHy? ITS FRICKIN WEDNESDAY!! The most boring day of all the school days.
Now to some crazy shit... A local Florida Woman was caught for misusing 911 to call for an emergency..
What is the Emergency?? MCDONALDS RAN OUT MCNUGGETS!!!
Her call
Her name is Latreas Goodman.. But this is not the first time that a local got crazy over fast food..
Anyway,, i really hate going to school today.. Really dnt want to,, i wish i am sick so i cn go home and sleep the whole day.. Reeaally dnt wanna face school and teachers.. WHy? ITS FRICKIN WEDNESDAY!! The most boring day of all the school days.
Now to some crazy shit... A local Florida Woman was caught for misusing 911 to call for an emergency..

Her call
"This is an emergency. If I would have known they didn't have McNuggets, I wouldn't have given my money, and now she wants to give me a McDouble, but I don't want one."Oh the tragedy....
Her name is Latreas Goodman.. But this is not the first time that a local got crazy over fast food..
Last month, another Florida resident called 911 over a perceived fast food foul-up.
Jean Fortune, 66, dialed 911 to complain that the Boynton Beach branch of Burger King was out of lemonade to go with his chicken combo meal.
Florida must really love their fast food....
Monday, March 2, 2009
My Worst Nigthmare
I have a new fave FTSK song,, its "My Worst Nightmare"
Why is Jakarta sooo boring? NO concerts,, The events comming up Java Jazz (dnt like Jazz), Lamb Of God (not a big fan) and that other thing.. (forgot what) urghhh, when the economy turns bad,, so is our entertainment..
This is all because of the Pemilu,, we cnt have too many concerts idk Why... Im not old enuff to vote,, so hurry up and vote so we cn have more fun in the city!!!
PS.. why are there Java Jazz and Jak JAzz??? Cnt we just have ONE?? Whats the difference anyway??!!
Why is Jakarta sooo boring? NO concerts,, The events comming up Java Jazz (dnt like Jazz), Lamb Of God (not a big fan) and that other thing.. (forgot what) urghhh, when the economy turns bad,, so is our entertainment..
This is all because of the Pemilu,, we cnt have too many concerts idk Why... Im not old enuff to vote,, so hurry up and vote so we cn have more fun in the city!!!
PS.. why are there Java Jazz and Jak JAzz??? Cnt we just have ONE?? Whats the difference anyway??!!
Slowdance With A Stranger
We're getting too dangerously close to our dance due date... HipHOp..
I cnt dance,,, n its tommrw! Can't we just do the Slumdog Dance???
Like an Indian Hiphop kinda thing?? Haha,, its better than nothing rite?
I cnt dance,,, n its tommrw! Can't we just do the Slumdog Dance???
Like an Indian Hiphop kinda thing?? Haha,, its better than nothing rite?
Poodle On My Noodle
Poodle On My Noodle... got that from the Simpsons, the episode which Mr. Burns took the puppies and plotting to kill them n skin'em to make a fur coat... Love that one..!
I went to Taman Angrek, to a cd store my friend requested and got my WE THE KINGS album.. I went around the floor and visited my other fave CD store and found this in front of my face
FOREVER THE SICKEST KIDS, UNDERDOG ALMA MATER!!! Holy crap,,, that day was my lucky day..
After I bought the CD, I hid the last FTSK cd behind an old stack of Foo Fighters' CD,, coz i ddnt wnt posers to buy it, (me n my frens had a sickness of hating bands to go mainstream),, my friend actually tried to hide the We The Kings behind a stack of Oldies which peeps would never look at but ddnt.... Aren't We EviL?? Muahahahahaha.!!
I found this on WillBeck's blog again (sorry for taking this, but this is funny!)
I went to Taman Angrek, to a cd store my friend requested and got my WE THE KINGS album.. I went around the floor and visited my other fave CD store and found this in front of my face
FOREVER THE SICKEST KIDS, UNDERDOG ALMA MATER!!! Holy crap,,, that day was my lucky day..
After I bought the CD, I hid the last FTSK cd behind an old stack of Foo Fighters' CD,, coz i ddnt wnt posers to buy it, (me n my frens had a sickness of hating bands to go mainstream),, my friend actually tried to hide the We The Kings behind a stack of Oldies which peeps would never look at but ddnt.... Aren't We EviL?? Muahahahahaha.!!
I found this on WillBeck's blog again (sorry for taking this, but this is funny!)

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