Just so u know i am part Chinese and this is effing hilarious! And kinda true. I went to visit family during my trip in Hong Kong, man people talk fast! I speak zero mandarin so it was difficult for me to understand. I have difficult understanding Singlish! (Singaporeans way to speak English which is technically how all Chinese speak English, like in the video) Maybe because my closest friends are philly which spoke PERFECTO english. Hm.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Hey people. Day three of being sick. Yea it suck balls. But what can i do? Stuck at home and bored out of my mind, so what did i do? Made a dailybooth profile off corse!
Friday, December 11, 2009
Smile Kid
Just about yesteray i downloaded Smile Kid, WTK's newest record. Haven't got to listen because the filename is rar n my mac can't open it. So while i found a way to open it, let's play a lil game called WHO'S PICTURE IS THIS??
Come on , Come on!! Ok a lil clue, He's in my ALL TIME favorite band as a guitarists. His name rhymes with Black Sharakat.
Ok, that is all. Also this funny video.
Two news for you:
1. CobraCam season 2, next Monday
2. Fred is going to be on HANNAH MONTANAH ??! WHAT?!
Thursday, December 10, 2009

Ok, i know, u cn barely see it. Yea so go to my twitter: http://twitter.com/sharonmarcell
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
If people was this straight to the point, the world would become a better place to live. Don't you think?
New Name
The reason i changed my blog's name because, i want it to become a more private blog. I know what ure thinking, private? It's the frigging internet! I knw, i just don't want people nearest to me read my blogs that's all. It is okay for you people coz u r strangers, n i dnt really give a damn. I don't have problems with my friends, its just i wish i could keep things from them n this is part of it. Like my diary that i share to strangers only. SO yea, hope u like the name, i kept thinking of gud ones then i thot about aerosmith n whoila.
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Ok, remmbr like two posts ago i told u guys i have a big secret n needed the right time to tell u? Well here it is!
I GOT A YOUTUBE ACCOUNT! Me n my friend made it 10 days ago n already posted 7 videos. AND GUESS WHAT? We have awards already!
#20 - Most Subscribed (This Month) - Australia
#1 - Most Subscribed (This Month) - Comedians - Australia
#47 - Most Subscribed (This Month) - Comedians
#50 - Most Viewed (This Week) - Comedians - Australia
#78 - Most Viewed (This Month) - Comedians - Australia
#1 - Most Subscribed (This Month) - Comedians - Australia
#47 - Most Subscribed (This Month) - Comedians
#50 - Most Viewed (This Week) - Comedians - Australia
#78 - Most Viewed (This Month) - Comedians - Australia
How awesome is that??? That is for the time being, we want to keep growing so please watch our videos and subscribe, rate and comment! We made this youtube thing on account that our friend from Canada dd n he became well known, and it looks fun. So we did. N things are going pretty well so please check us out:
We are still new so yeah. Nt much subscribers yet. :P
Monday, November 30, 2009

Eep, what's worse is she fell in front of my fave shop! NOOO! I was just there last week! Just so u knw the black thing is her and the thingies on the escalator is glass! Some people sez she dd it coz she was shoplifting n got caught, ran n jump. Some sed she was taking pictures and fell (what?). Idk for sure, but prayers go to the victim's family n friends.
What kinda guy fights a kid? Lol but it's hillarious! The kid just stares at him lol. In other news it is EXAM WEEK! Tomm is accounting, the easiest. Does not mean it's that simple, just said it's the easiest of them all! haha.
Today the sky is blue. Why so special? ITS FRIGGING BLUE! It's as often as raining cats and dogs. Now im watching 90210. Supposed to be studying but I am much to dristracted to. Lol. 90210 used to remind me a friend of mine from aussie, who's crazy bout the show. Lol. Ok, enjoy the rest of the week!
Friday, November 27, 2009
Hi people! Im sorry ive been sorta abandoning this blog. Its because ITS FRIGGING EXAMS WEEK! Oh well. to b honest i havent even studied. Lol. Well ive been doing this project, n i dnt want people to knw yet. I will tell, someday, just not nw. We got some hits already n everything seems to b going smoothly. But we r waiting for the right time to tell EVERYBODY.
Music must dl :
FTSK's new album
30 Seconds To Mars' new album
WTK's new album
Jennifer's Body's ost.
BTW. ATL's making a soundtrack for Alice in Wonderland?? WHAT????
Lol. Its a gud thing tho.. i love johnny depp and i LOVE ATL! I guess u readers know how obsessed i m with them (n still r, if i live in the us, i'll prob stalk them! lol jk) Just never thot the two will actually clash.. That'll b interesting hmmm
Well im not a twifan or watever u coll them. Just a normal girl who happens to like their books but no so crazy bout the movie. Two awesome things tho : Jackson Rathbone (Jasper) and Jamie Campbell Bower (Caius) They are both my fave actors and I love love LOVE them. idk y people keeps hating on jackson, i think he's an incredible actor if they found out the other projects he had done BESIDES the twilight saga. If people start shitting on him i swear they have no life. R patzz is NOTHING to jackson. Jamie is just talented.. i fell in love with him on sweeney todd n the kid's a genious! And HOT! But he luks weird in the movie.. Haha but check out the movie anyway, i thot that it was pretty gud.
Friday, November 13, 2009
Mr. Right
I am IN LOVE with this song!! Damn catchy!! And this cover hits the spot!
Dang that boy's talented! He is amazing! The original video is cool too.. Man, i m gonna finish dl the video as soon as i get the hang with my new mac. Updates, I was sick today, so i skipped skull. Ok i wasnt that skull, anyway today's subjects weren't that impt anyway. Lol
So have a great wekend, i was supposed to go to watch 2012 wth my friends nw, but i got no car :'( cnt wait till i drive..
PS, how cn it be an apocalypse, WHEN THEY ARE PLANING FOR A SEQUEL??!! I mean come on!
Monday, November 9, 2009
New Laptop
Lol. I got a new laptop! It's a Mac Book Pro, it's 13 inches and im lovin it! Took already two dozen pics already,, haha. Anyway since i got a new mac, im here to tell u people to please add my skype since im gonna b using it a lot : Sharonmarcell.. i love talking to new people so just bug me netime :P lol
New updates:
Fangtastic Shoctober (my school's halloween event) was ok,, yet wish more people would come, the haunted mansion scared the shit outta me tho.. lol
BLG is coming to JKT, which i will nt b watching, idk. I just dnt seem to kno any of their songs n itll b a waste of money.
Nt much on the music scene, havent visited purevolume for ages,, well something new: check out every avenue's new sound in their latest album. Sounds more mature in some ways and a lil bit more edge! lol
OK so for the rest, im just gonna say have a great week everyone n hopefuly i cn update more!
Friday, October 30, 2009
Who watched it???? I DID! and at opening day, unlike in The US, its really empty here,, but maybe its because i watched it really late.. anywho it was AWESOME! I cnt believe a person that luks so healthy died after a few weeks after those footages,, seem so unlikely,, Anyway the guitarist was so cool (and a girl) and the dancers were burning hot! lol.. Great movie n i was proud to b one of the first viewers,,
SO tomm is HALLOWEEN!! Who's celebrating?? this is gonna b huge coz this is gonna b the first halloween eent for me.. Fangtastic Shocktober (nt ind the name) is a HUGE halloween bash thats gonna happen in my shool so people in jkt, please come. Wear ur best costume coz the winner gets a BOYS LIKE GIRLS CONCERT TICKETS!!! for boys that is,, and girls will get a lomo camera,, which is not bad, COME ON PEOPLE COME!! I m gonna b a witch :D
Helpful song.. lol n pretty catchy!
SO tomm is HALLOWEEN!! Who's celebrating?? this is gonna b huge coz this is gonna b the first halloween eent for me.. Fangtastic Shocktober (nt ind the name) is a HUGE halloween bash thats gonna happen in my shool so people in jkt, please come. Wear ur best costume coz the winner gets a BOYS LIKE GIRLS CONCERT TICKETS!!! for boys that is,, and girls will get a lomo camera,, which is not bad, COME ON PEOPLE COME!! I m gonna b a witch :D
Helpful song.. lol n pretty catchy!
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Rain falls down
Hey peeps! Yes, i knw u hate me,, ivve been dissing this blog for a while coz ive just been really busy.. I cn only do twitter a lot coz its shorter n stuff, i tweet more than i blog, so if u wanna check it out: twitter.com/sharonmarcell
Anywho,, love him so much:
I wnt be stupid enough to be leaving HIM! Lol.. Well ok so ive got two new albums to tell u bout,, it just came out recently
Love love LOVE this album!! What can i say? Fave tracks: The Boys You Do (Get Back At You), Love Like This, Chelsea, Girls Freak Me Out and Where Are you Now!! All of the songs are awesome and easy to relate to!

Ok, its downloading now so get back to u later k for updates on this album?
lol.. ok
HALOWEEN, i am nt American, but our school is international, meaning, this school is specifically for international students/ students who are going to study/work abroad, anyway were gonna have this Halloween party called Shocktober (HATE HATE THE NAME!!!) but its gonna be fun, i think, costumes n all halloween stuff. lol, im nt sure,, Im gonna be a witch! :D yes, how original,, but yea, cnt wait!! Winner of the best costume will get a lomo camera, watver that is. lol
Anywho,, love him so much:
I wnt be stupid enough to be leaving HIM! Lol.. Well ok so ive got two new albums to tell u bout,, it just came out recently


Ok, its downloading now so get back to u later k for updates on this album?
lol.. ok
HALOWEEN, i am nt American, but our school is international, meaning, this school is specifically for international students/ students who are going to study/work abroad, anyway were gonna have this Halloween party called Shocktober (HATE HATE THE NAME!!!) but its gonna be fun, i think, costumes n all halloween stuff. lol, im nt sure,, Im gonna be a witch! :D yes, how original,, but yea, cnt wait!! Winner of the best costume will get a lomo camera, watver that is. lol
Saturday, September 26, 2009
End of the holidays
For people who's not in Indonesia,, this past week was a holiday for us.. It's Lebaran, (no im not Muslim), and tomm is skull agen. Ughr, and im wasting the last day of my holidays at home. Coz im sick, curse my weak body.. Anyway been wasting time on the internet and looky wat i found!
That was Gabe Saporta's tweet like about 10 minutes ago..Haha,, That totally made my day! It'll be awesome if they come so i need ur help people who lives here, go to Gabe's tweet and DEMAND Cobra to come! I dd! Haha so enjoy the rest of ur Sunday!
"We will def come to indonesia if we get to meet the 19 pound baby"
That was Gabe Saporta's tweet like about 10 minutes ago..Haha,, That totally made my day! It'll be awesome if they come so i need ur help people who lives here, go to Gabe's tweet and DEMAND Cobra to come! I dd! Haha so enjoy the rest of ur Sunday!
Monday, September 21, 2009
Remember the William Beckett has a daughtr rumor going on abt 2 years ago? Well it came back to life, but this time he admitted it himself..
Ok so last nite b4 bed i was extremely bored,i googled started from S*A*M to CS and finally the academy is.. Ok so anyway i found the scan from the new AP mag n whoopdeedoo, he admitted it. He has a two year old lil girl name Geneveive.. I guess he nvr told people coz well he's in a getting-mire-popular-by-a-second band n he just wants protection from te crazy fan that might harm them n stuff. So, im happy for u bill, and hoep forthe best in ur life!
Ok so last nite b4 bed i was extremely bored,i googled started from S*A*M to CS and finally the academy is.. Ok so anyway i found the scan from the new AP mag n whoopdeedoo, he admitted it. He has a two year old lil girl name Geneveive.. I guess he nvr told people coz well he's in a getting-mire-popular-by-a-second band n he just wants protection from te crazy fan that might harm them n stuff. So, im happy for u bill, and hoep forthe best in ur life!
LOL! That is one of my fave part of the VMAs.. Kanye always need attention,, what he done is pretty smart actually, now people will deff pay more attention and stuff.. Also my fave part, MJ tribute dance! It was awesome! Cnt believe Cobra ddnt win tho... They deserve it! Also 3OH3! So many talents wasted away by yet again mainstream musicians,, BTW, has anyone seen The Damned video??
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Tonight, Tonight
OMG!!!!! Can't wait to see!!!!! EMBARRASSING CONFESSION: I was sang solo for "Tonight, Tonight" but now idc anymore! VOTE FOR COBRA!!!
BTW they really should give Russel Brand a sexual award <333 ;)
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
They never get to count till number 5! Haha
Ok so today, a mild earthquake hits Jakarta. I was at my class that time.. When it started my friend asked "U guys feel sumthing?" Suddenly everyone ran to the stairs, including my teacher! He ran first, that bastard. Hahaha. He should have waited till everyone in the class left.. When i was finally arrived safely on main ground, my friend asked me if i wanted to get our stuff, so with shaking grounds, i climber up again! Hahaha,, Life vs. my iphone.
This past week def had been awesome! I love my friends.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
I'm a fucking idiot, and this song explains it all
Cover it up
And keep a distance
The anger that burns inside of me
Won't put up with all
Your flaws and mistakes
Or how you take it out on me
Keep telling yourself
That I was wrong here
Believe all the lies he fed to you
'Cause girl if you wanted something sincere
I know that he'll never pull through
Waiting for the day you turn yourself around
Can't stop feeling the things I feel
Locked into something so surreal
You have me going crazy
Have it all wrong
If you think you can walk out on me
You said you're in love
And can't describe it
But has it ever occurred to you
While you're asleep alone in your bed
He's out all night with someone new
Waiting for the day you turn yourself around
Can't stop feeling the things I feel
Locked into something so surreal
You have me going crazy
Have it all wrong
If you think you can walk out on me
Waiting for the day you turn yourself around
Can't stop feeling the things I feel
Locked into something so surreal
You have me going crazy
Have it all wrong
If you think you can walk out on me
Can't stop feeling the things I feel
Locked into something so surreal
You have me going crazy
Have it all wrong
If you think you can walk out on me
Scary how accurate this is to my life..
BTW. The "you" is me
And keep a distance
The anger that burns inside of me
Won't put up with all
Your flaws and mistakes
Or how you take it out on me
Keep telling yourself
That I was wrong here
Believe all the lies he fed to you
'Cause girl if you wanted something sincere
I know that he'll never pull through
Waiting for the day you turn yourself around
Can't stop feeling the things I feel
Locked into something so surreal
You have me going crazy
Have it all wrong
If you think you can walk out on me
You said you're in love
And can't describe it
But has it ever occurred to you
While you're asleep alone in your bed
He's out all night with someone new
Waiting for the day you turn yourself around
Can't stop feeling the things I feel
Locked into something so surreal
You have me going crazy
Have it all wrong
If you think you can walk out on me
Waiting for the day you turn yourself around
Can't stop feeling the things I feel
Locked into something so surreal
You have me going crazy
Have it all wrong
If you think you can walk out on me
Can't stop feeling the things I feel
Locked into something so surreal
You have me going crazy
Have it all wrong
If you think you can walk out on me
Scary how accurate this is to my life..
BTW. The "you" is me
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Sorry i cnt b able to update a lot.. My personal life has been pretty hectic. So please understand dat i wont b able to blog a lot. Ok so last week i went to AAR concert. Highlights: lining up since 2 o clock, being asked to go back at the end of the line agen coz we haven't got a body chck, my cuz finghting wth a cop in front of hubdreds of people,getting to be fourth row on the right, singing our national anthem wth the lead singer, real concert lead singer topless, my friends carried me, the singer state a poem they made abt our country and how peeps should not be afraid to come! BEST EFFING CONCERT yet!
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Let's Get Wasted!
Oh the end of cobra cam. Whenever ill get drunk ill always remember them. Hahaha,, Anyway who got hot mess???? I do!! AND ITS FUCKING AWESOME!! IF YOU LOVE YOUR EARS YOU MUST GET HOT MESS!! HAHAHAHA
Monday, August 10, 2009
"Someone who's more Edward Cullen and not so Pete Wentz"
"I only had sex with a guy one time! Would let it go??"
Hahaha,, im supposed to read Scarlet Letter and i was supposed to b done by now but again the internet distracted me.. I'm confused now coz idk if i should go to AAR or nt,, im not a Huge fan but its been a while since ive been to a concert.. but then again, it is a not so good time for a concert here.. With the political issues and bomb threats we've been having. Hmm, i think am a 70% yes and 30% No. Ill get back to that later, for now i really should start the Scarlet Letter now.
Friday, August 7, 2009
Guinea Pigs
LMAO,, haha that is some papercut! The guinea pig is soo cute! I think that this might be better than the actual movie! hahaha.. Twitter's down for some reason.. And im still down with the flu,, i think that this is the longest time i had flu before,, usually it'll get better in a week tops! hahaha oh well,
So not much news except that i might be going to All American Rejects concert,, they're ok but the only reason i wanna go is that i haven't been in a concert for a while, My last one was Patd,, and ironically they'll be playing @ 17th of August,, which was the day patd performed too.. Which is our independence day,, Isn't it weird that after the independence show patd broke up? What happens if AAR broke up after the independence day show too?? Hmm, the curse of Our Independence day...
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Oh jackson, even with crazy messy hair, nerdy glasses and a beard you still manage to look incredibly gorgeous!
I am reading Scarlet Letter for school now, no offense to classics, but this is the most boring book ever. Seriously. Well i might b too early to judge since i only read for a page haha but seriously.. Urhghg.. And we have to read through till chapter 9 which is half of the book already! Grr,, wait next month,, we're reading Shakespere Henry IV!!
Monday, August 3, 2009
LOL ing
Surely everyone has seen this rite?
Hmm, it gives me inspiration to my own wedding. Hahaha, i wonder what song i want while dancing down the isle?? So far there r no impnt updates except, An Indonesian brand has made it to AP magazine!!! It's a jeans brand (i think) and its called Peter Says Denim.. Go check their myspace..
Saturday, August 1, 2009
i miss cobra cam!
haha, Poor Gregory..
I am right now having a really really bad flu.. Been sick since Thursday and it sucks,, If ure wondering if its h1n1,, i dnt really care... My teacher sed its just normal flu anyway and im getting much better. Haha
In fact, i just got home from watching Up! The new disney movie,, it was funny yet touching. So far it is my favorite pixar movie,, besides Toy Story.
Ok , so i heard this news this other day via wikipedia.. I was bored and i started googling people and i just found out.. GABE SAPORTA IS DATING AN INDONESIAN NATIVE???! I dnt kno i it's true or not but it's all bittersweet to me,, in one hand, Oh how awesome! An indonesian! On the other, IF he is dating one, why cnt he play shows here??? But it's still a rumor and he hasn;t sed anything yet...
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Don't you just hate school?? urhghghg,,, cnt stand it. Already having too much homework... My cuz was rite A levels is hard!
OK, i am now resting from reading text books to reading random shit in the internet, my best friend. Haha,
Ok, now i have A Vimeo account! hahaha, yeah.. Ok i know what ure thinking,, i am a procastinator.. no doubt to that.. Well i was sick n i really dnt kno wat were studying exactly.. haha..
The first think i do is download all the mv i cn never able to find in youtube. Hahaha
Monday, July 27, 2009
Yes i am sick rite now.. i cnt really tell wats going now so this post a short one, if ure asking me if am so sick y am i at the comp? Try laying on ur bed the whole day with nothing to do n u have nothing on tv except reruns n u cnt text peeps coz ur phone is being confiscated by the skull and its pointless anyway coz kids are at skull anyway, Yes it sucks to be sick. Especially when ure having food poisoning..
My friend is really pissed coz cobra starship's good girls gone bad has made it on MTV Asia, One word. POSERS, i hate them, my friend does too.. U find a lot of them here in Asia.. And it just makes me piss. GRrrr
PS. This does not mean we r going to cancel Public Enemies tonight!
Saturday, July 25, 2009
They are coming! I am waiting!
Ok, to be honest i never watched the animation and dnt really know wat its all about,, but one thing i want to watch for this movie is.... Yup! Jackson Rathbone!! He's gonna play the Saka kid or sumthing .. cnt wait! 2nd..
Johnny Depp and Tim Burton together again! Magic! hahahaha,, cnt wait cnt wait!!
BTW, my dad's coming home and we r going to watch Public enemies! WoohoO!
Friday, July 24, 2009
I met a man of 2 feet tall
This man was quite ambitious
In a world that is so vicious
To us all, I said "hi"
As he replied, he said
Listen to these words that I have lived by my whole life.
You're only as tall
As your heart will let you be
And your only as small
As the world will make you seem
And when the going gets rough
And you feel like you may fall
Just look on the bright side
You're roughly six feet tall
I met a man of 12 feet tall
He towered like a giant
In a world that was defiant of his height
I said "hi" as he replied, he said
Listen to these words that I have dreaded my whole life.
You're only as tall
As your heart will let you be
And your only as small
As the world will make you seem
And when the going gets rough
And you feel like you may fall
Just look on the bright side
You're roughly six feet tall
I am a man of six feet tall
Just looking for some answers
In a world that answers none
Of them at all
I'll say "hi"
But not reply to the letters that you write
Because I found some piece of mind
Cause I'm only as tall
As my heart will let me be
And I'm only as small
As the world will make me seem
When the going gets rough
And I feel like I may fall
I'll look on the brightside
I'm roughly six feet tall
I love this song,, it's like a story.. with a lesson..
On The Brightside, NeverShoutNever..
How can a 18 year old be so talented?
i hate school
300th post! Woo! But this is not a time to celebrate,, for one thing,, my iphone got confiscated today! Grrrr,, Stupid school with their rules! UGhrhrhrhr,, and i have to wait the WHOLE FRIGGING weekend just to get it back! uhghhgg,,, last year it was ok to use ur phone exspecially WHEN WE WERE TAKING A BREAK. And now they think theyre in control and stuff.. screw on u my buddy! screw on u!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok, lets stop talking about it,, at least i still have my ipod to listen stuff to.
Twitter just had their correcting thingy so all of our spam followers are removed.. Now i only have 72 followers which is ok..
I found a very interesting article today in my mum's magazine.. It's about how kids are dressing up more like adults *coughs*sluts*coughs* nowadays.. wearing lipstick, blusher and all kinds of make up.. When the interviewer ask the parents they just sed how adorable they look and they tought that their daughters look beautiful. OK, first being a slut is not beautiful, second. Too much make up ruins their skin. Sure they look all cute and adorable wearing tons of make up, but they will have wrinkles at the age of twenty!
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Shortest cobra cam ever!!
Fall Out Boy - China Update from clandestine on Vimeo.
Haha, i was just in China last week! Well Hong Kong and Macau,, which BTW FOB posters were everywhere.. which is pretty cool. Haha,,
Skull starts tomm! Here's to the end of summer bliss.. hahaha,, I just found out that my mum knows one of the victims of the bombing and his kid goes to my skull! OMG, he survived tho.. he just have a few hearing disabilities now.. Poor guy. Dumb terrorists!
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Time In Our Heads
Another one for u..
Mat Musto
he's a solo artist,, his sound is a little bit more pop than wat am used to.. But he's actually OK.
New albums that just came up:
Hello Hollywood
You Me At Six
Portugal The Man
Check them out! Also...
Since my mum is going to US this Sept.. I asked her to get a few things that i won't be able to get here like...
CDs (that's obvious)
ATL shirt (must!!!!)
and lastly if she can Vans High Tops.. The vans here sucks AND fake.. I dnt wear fake shoes. NEVER wear fake shoes.. Total against it..
So here's a few option (mom) ...
So mom, remember.. Im a size 5 and a half.. n i love u soooo much! Thanks! Haha
Sunday, July 19, 2009
I found a new band.,, well a one man band thing
The Ready Set!!!!!
Sounds Like Nevershoutnever!, Rocket Summer..
Jordan Witzigreuter (damn i cnt pronounce it!!) is HOT HOT HOT!! Look at him! He's gorgeous! Hahaha
Other music news,, Hello Hollywood release their new album so check them out in their myspace!! Ok, i got nothing more to say so now im just gonna try reviving my dead myspace.
I never get tired of this,, at least they choose the burrito! Burrito rules...
Anyway,, guess wat? Joel Madden (sort of) replied my twitter!!! I asked him if his world tour could include Jakarta,, and then my friend asked if it includes Bali too.. Then the next day he sed that he's not afraid of wat happened in jakarta and that people should stop judging it coz its one of his fave spots and he sed that he would love to come back and might try coming to Bali too!!!! I hope ATL comes with them too,,
Friday, July 17, 2009
World Tour
Those two words keep booming in my mind.. It started when Joel madden sed Gc n ATL are gonna tour together for a world tour.. And people started tweeting him back (including me) to come to our cities, countries and blah blah blah.. Well all he sed was it was a WORLD TOUR and Asia's included! WOOHOO!!!!!! I hope my sis' bf's fren would give me another mng,, hahaha..
Oh and another thing..
Eight killed in Jakarta bomb blasts
Yup,, this pic was taken from the Ritz Carlton (?)... Well the two hotels are that and Marriot,, when the bombs exploded i was at that area.,, in a dentist. Our hopes and prayers go to those innocent victims of the horrible bombings and hopefully the government will start more about our national security rite now..
And now people are panicking,, excluding me. Im not that paranoid.. Yea, the bombs scare me but that won't stop me from going to malls and such..
Listening to: The Summer EP - NeverShoutNever
I love all the songs in this EP.. exspecially "I Just Laugh" and "Simple Enough" (PS acoustic version vid in purevolume).. all the songs are just so happy and i cnt help smiling listening to him!
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
is ending... Such a bittersweet moment this is.
I found out two new bands this summer..
School Boy Humor
and Two Tongues
I kno these two last year, in my magazine but i ddnt bother to search about these two.. They turn out to be very awesome.. Check them out on their myspace!
CobraCAm,, this one is a little late but who cares!
I love cooking... Not doing it, just watching it.. Sorry am just hungry rite now. Actually starving. And nobody bothered to stock up so now we're foodless.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Congrats guys!
Anyway,, the thing about the title is that my friend just called me two nights ago for updates.. Since we are taking A levels this skull year,, in British school thing,, it meant college. Well, junior college but still college.. Which means I'M A COLLEGE KID BITCHESS!!!!! Yea,, oh yea, am majoring in art,, totally different from the other kids.. Believe it or not there are only 2 kids taking this with me including.
Talking about art, everyone knows im taking graphic design skull rite after this A levels.. I still don't kno which one to apply.. And i haven't done anything serious yet.. That's why i got this really cool book about young artist in graphic design. All the designs are awesome but here are a couple of my faves.
This one is from an artist name Oliver Wiegner, from Berlin. www.icecreamforfree.com
Sunday, July 12, 2009
How the fuck do i spell this??
I feel like swearing today........... Hahaha,, Moustachette,, wat does that even mean? Watever it is am totally watching it!!
A message to my friend, being in a band does NOT make u cool.. And having a name that rhymes is not gonna make it better my friend..
Example: Hannah Montana
Good Old Times
SUper Mario!!
this vid cracks me up!!!
The first thing i did when i got home from Hong Kong was download Nothing Personal! Best album yet!!! Total highlight of the year,, fave songs: Hello Brooklyn, Stella, Therapy, Lost In Stereo, and Break Your Little Heart!! I never heard Alex voice this way before,, he totally improved himself as a better singer!!
this vid cracks me up!!!
The first thing i did when i got home from Hong Kong was download Nothing Personal! Best album yet!!! Total highlight of the year,, fave songs: Hello Brooklyn, Stella, Therapy, Lost In Stereo, and Break Your Little Heart!! I never heard Alex voice this way before,, he totally improved himself as a better singer!!
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Hello people! Im finally back in my laptop.. Am actually downloading some stuff for my iphone but other than that.. VIDEOS!!!
How long has it been since i watch a CobraCam? There like the replacement for TAI TV ,,tho i still miss them sooo badly :(
Love love love cobra starship... the first vid i saw was "Send My Love To The Dancefloor..." when i saw patrick stump coming out of the bunny suit i kno this is an awesome band..
My skull is gonna start in about a week or so.. i know it sucks,, but i kinda miss my skull. hmm NOT!! I miss the people tho.. Can't wait to meet them... (Well at least some of them..)
I hope we get new students.. (Hot male students :D) Anyway fingers crossed..
OK i hope u r still having the best summer of ur life...
BTW, my sis is going to Seattle in two months 4 college and my family thot that its a gud time to renovate my home! How awesome is that?
How long has it been since i watch a CobraCam? There like the replacement for TAI TV ,,tho i still miss them sooo badly :(
Love love love cobra starship... the first vid i saw was "Send My Love To The Dancefloor..." when i saw patrick stump coming out of the bunny suit i kno this is an awesome band..
My skull is gonna start in about a week or so.. i know it sucks,, but i kinda miss my skull. hmm NOT!! I miss the people tho.. Can't wait to meet them... (Well at least some of them..)
I hope we get new students.. (Hot male students :D) Anyway fingers crossed..
OK i hope u r still having the best summer of ur life...
BTW, my sis is going to Seattle in two months 4 college and my family thot that its a gud time to renovate my home! How awesome is that?
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Aloha home!
I am finally home! God it feels gud to b here agen... I just got home yesterday nite... Big news is i got a new phone! Not just any phone as a matter of fact,, its the phone of my dreams! I got an IPHONE!!!! Hell yeah,, in fact im using it rite now!! Other than the phone,, i also got 3 new cds for my collection, i got:
- all time low, put up or shut up
- family force 5, dance or die
- the rocket summer, do you feel
Some awesome things had happen during my absence to the internet,, for one thing NOthing personal came out on july 7th,, also their mv for Weigthless.. Brilliant!!
"Noone really cares what you're doing right now -Nothing Personal!"
- all time low, put up or shut up
- family force 5, dance or die
- the rocket summer, do you feel
Some awesome things had happen during my absence to the internet,, for one thing NOthing personal came out on july 7th,, also their mv for Weigthless.. Brilliant!!
"Noone really cares what you're doing right now -Nothing Personal!"
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Sing Sing
Funny how legends are,, you will think that they will live forever,, but instead they r gone the fastest..
RIP Michael Jackson, King Of Pop
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Sexy Nerd
What is up with nerds these days? They just got hotter n hotter by the minute.. 4 example the two Makhlouf Bros on the Cash Cash vid.. They are gorgeous.. good genes. :-)
(Alex: the top one on the right, Jean Paul: the bottom center)
Alex n Jean Paul.. idk which is hotter. Anyway this is my last post till i go bye2 to Singapore and risking my life to go to Hong Kong. Pray so i will not be infected by swine flu.
Listening To: Katy Perry - Waking Up In Vegas
I love this song,, its my fave from the rest of her singles...
Ok, so i have no imptnt news rite now. all the news are all about jon n kate, getting sick of it :-(
So gudbye 4 now,, have a great summer everyone! Be back in 2 weeks (i think)
Saturday, June 20, 2009
I wanted to join the "Insert Your Best Insult Here" Contest on foe.com .. If i win, i could get printed image of the band on a huge canvas,, or i get a free copy of Nothing personal. I made mine, and when i was about to post it.. turns out i have to live in the US, UK, Mexico, Japan, Korea and Singapore... UNFAIR
Well since i cnt post it there, can i just post it here? Off corse i can. U have to read the rest of them here,. some are funny, others are lame and cheesy and some keep using the Chinese phonebook thing... It's old! I saw that on "The Nanny"!!

Oh and another one.. FOB's going 2 CHINA??? WTF!! UNFAIR! They wnt even play here when they were in our region... AHGHRGHHGH it sucks!
Thursday, June 18, 2009
I just found out:
Whats up wth the name?? Anyway, sorry im late.. I wonder how gerard's doing as a father? No word from him since she came out...
Summer has a way to make its days longer.. I feel like i could sleep the whole day thu..
when ure sleepy everything seems funny including this..
idk, the way they talk is funny hahaha
tom is a big day 4 my sis.. its her graduation.. Congrats to her.. our skull only provides graduation 4 elementary and kindergarden and high skull.. We're supposed to have midd skull grad last year. Those cheap bastards!!!
Why is everyone going to Bali all of a sudden... including me,, yes my mum cancelled the Hong Kong/Macau trip coz of swine flu so instead we are going to Bali prob next week.. Well i love Bali, but i am getting tired of that.. Good thing my friends are coming as well so it will be more interesting. All you do there is go to the beach, swim in the hotel's pool, spa, sleep in the hotel's room, hang w/ friends and the occasional shopping trip. But one fun thing about Bali for me is,, free Hotel room! Yea, me n my sis will get our own hotel room. Not just a hotel room, its sortof like a suite! With a jacuzzi outside, the backdoor connecting to a pool, kingsize bed, my own fridge, flat screen TV (with cable!).. Yea, that's why we keep coming back.. free crap. Haha,, but we usually take a really cheap flight. But its worthed.. haha
Who watched already? Was it good? idk if it came out from wherever u came from but it hasn't come out here.. the only summer blockbuster movie i watched was Terminator 3. (Anton Yelchin!!!)
So hope u all have a great summer vacay!
Monday, June 15, 2009
BIRTHDAY BILLY! Ure 28 now! Hope the best for u this year, and hope ur band could come back here to Indonesia 4 a concert again! (My very first concert was theirs!!)
Great news!! Damned If I Do Ya (Damned If I Don't)'s full version has been added to ATL's myspace! I love this song! Even better than weightless.. I can't wait the whole album is going to be great!!
idk, what is he doing?? Anyway, baby Bronx is adorable.. good to kno he is growing hair!
I just woke up actually,, it's ten and nobody's home.. Home alone..
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Mysterious Ticking Noise
All my cousins (who r my age) came to my house to stay over last nite,, look what me n my only girl cuz the found on youtube...
The last one was recently found,, it was the first acting gig 4 him.. Ha gotta love him! :D
Friday, June 12, 2009
Falling From The Rooftop
Well as i promised,, it started when my two friends were hanging on he roof God knows why they dd that,, my friend locked my other friend on the rooftop so he can't climb back through the window again.. While my friend was hanging on the roof he saw an open window at the boy's room. So he slowly walked to the window and reached to it....
Now to my point of view,, i was watching TV with my friends when suddenly i heard a noise.. I looked at the backyard and first saw a broken branch from a tree that fell,, then some parts of the roof and suddenly BAM i saw my friend fell just like the way Mr Bean dd at the opening credits on the cement floor.. It's a shame it wasn't on the grass.. Anyway,, when i first saw his position,, i was thinking really hard who could that be,, everybody paused too coz they also ddnt know who that was coz his face was on the ground.. Then suddenly my friend screamed! "OMG!! *my friend's name*" And suddenly everyone jumped down and helped him.. he was motionless and i thot he was dead.. suddenly he groaned and lay there for a while.. Long story short,, he's OK. just a bruised thumb and he sed his back hurts..
So here's to make up my absence,. VIDEOS.
Just got back
Sorry i just got back from Bandung (a city out of my town) I was there for 3 days... I wnt post anything coz i am too tired but next time ill tell u how my smart friend fell from the roof top three stories high AND SURVIVED!
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Walls are coming down
Wow, ure flirting with him now? WOW, im that blind not to see,, Just remember, i have backup. Its that "close brother" that u have ,, yea in case that u dnt know, he was my bro be4 he even knows u, Now he regrets knowing everything about u.
Friday, June 5, 2009
Best day ever!
For all of u SLI students, u guys prob knows wat happend! SOPHOMORE SKID DAY!!!! Best prank to ever be pulled in this school! So basically me and the whole Sophomore class decided to skip the whole day. We went to my friend's home. I mean, MANSION. Freak, her room is like a 2 floor building! Anyway,, the teachers went completely MAD! They were freaked out coz the whole Sophomore (and almost the whole Juniors, sum went along) were MISING! IT was WORTHED Thoug, idc if we got detained because it was totally worthed..
At my friend's house, we decided to go swimming,, unfortunately my friend totally forgot to inform me and my other friend. But guess what happened! The guys carried me, draged me and threw me in the pool. I was wearing jeans and a frigging thin white shirt... Yea u know exactly wat happend. It was soo embarrassing but thankfully my friend got me another shirt..
After her house we went to the mall and blah blah blah long story short, I got busted at home. Not really coz my dad backed me out! Hahaha, so my mum cnt do anything! Tiring day..
OK, i think im going to rest now coz im so tired. Have a great weekend!
OH yea, i almost forgot!
Ure 30 now and OLD! hahaha,, dnt worry u still kickass!
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Cobra Klein! Haha, how original.
Has anybody seen the New Moon trailer?(prev post)
OK gotta be honest, that has got to be the ugliest were wolf ever! I mean, it doesn't look very realistic, i expected better quality considering the budget they got from the last movie... But overall i cnt wait to watch!
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Wat can i say am a fan... Hahaha,, i just watched this movie wth him also, Senior Skip Day. It was like any other teenage movie.. Porn, drugs and alchohol. His character was stupid tho,, but i gotta love his career, it shows just how talented he is as an actor..
Monday, June 1, 2009
I thnk i know him
But i dont .. im sorry, am just a little confused today.. Well maybe because its Monday.
"THREE TIMES A LADY" from William Beckett Jr. on Vimeo.
No comment. Haha, but the good news is TAI tv is back on! Yeah! Finally!!!!
Its examination week so im kinda busy these days. Studying. bull. Im not doing anything because theres actually a big mix up at my skull. Here's the thing, exams and IGCSE test (its college test thingy) happens on the same dateline so the agreement was we dnt get exams from the school since were so caught up by IGCSE. But being the crappy school as it is they told us we ARE going to have exams, the day before the exams. shit.
Saturday, May 30, 2009
I just got home from the mall, it was my friend's bday and we went to grab some lunch and watch a movie. We decided to watch Terminator Salvation and it was great! Great effects and sound! And also, Anton Yelchin = HOT!! Step off, he's mine! jk, he's going to b in the star treck movie too..
Funny thing happened. B4 the movie there were these trailers and one of them is "Drag Me TO Hell" That horror movie,, well there was a really shocking scene in the trailer where the lady lay her head on her pillow and looked sideways but instead of her husband, it was the scary old lady! I SCREAMED! am not exaggerating, i scream like shit! Everyone looked at me and it was sooo embarrassing! Well its not my fault i was jumpy. BTW, Terminator, soo many shocking scene, i couldn't sit still.. I always jump everytime something happens.. I guess i embarrassed all my friends today.. Hhaha...
OK, am kinda tired to write anything so enjoy ur weekends everybody!
Here's a quote from the song "weightless" to help u go thru..
"Maybe it's not my weekend but it's gonna be my year"
Friday, May 29, 2009
Other news of FOB,, Clandestine Crunch will be launching soon!
The Clandestine Crunch release is on June 15th! I couldn’t be more excited for a project over a year in the making will see the light of day so soon.
Three t-shirts depicting the mascots of the cereal line (Choco-Bot, Barely Awake and Space Monkey), each limited to only 267 each, will be the top draw. Mostly because each of those shirts will come in the cereal box seen above, also limited to the same number. These boxes are so incredible and detailed (games on the back!), you’re going to love them. We’ll also be releasing a boxless tee of the Clan Crunch logo - AND…a Clanestine Crunch cereal bowl!!!!
And you never know…the actual cereal might not be far away….
Three t-shirts depicting the mascots of the cereal line (Choco-Bot, Barely Awake and Space Monkey), each limited to only 267 each, will be the top draw. Mostly because each of those shirts will come in the cereal box seen above, also limited to the same number. These boxes are so incredible and detailed (games on the back!), you’re going to love them. We’ll also be releasing a boxless tee of the Clan Crunch logo - AND…a Clanestine Crunch cereal bowl!!!!
And you never know…the actual cereal might not be far away….
Don: Hey Napoleon, did you wet the bed last night?
Napoleon Dynamite: Hey Don, did you take a dump in your bed last night? Don: I could kick your butt Napoleon so I'd shut up
Napoleon Dynamite: Why don't you go tell your mom to shut up
Don: What'd you say?
Napoleon Dynamite: Whatever I feel like I wanna say
Don: Did you say something about my mom?
Napoleon Dynamite: Maybe I did and maybe I didn't
Don: Do you wanna die Napoleon?
Napoleon Dynamite: Yeah right. Who's the only one here who knows the illegal ninja moves from the government?
Haha i love Napoleon!
aww.. she's cute. Haha, anyway I just came back from the mall coz i was getting my friend's bday present. We searched everywhere coz we thought that we were going to give her a sweater/jacket coz she just loves them. And then we just ended up with something else. Something diffrent and i cnt say now coz i dnt want anyone to know wat it is yet...
Aww man i want that! LIMITED EDITION PEOPLE!! I wish my parents would just lend me a credit card,, there's nothing dangerous from buying stuff of the internet when the website is already official!!!
Anyway, am watching the TAI tv of Chile part 3 and it looks soo much fun! am jealous! Everyone looks good especially Mike! I <33333>
I was roaming around purevolume and i found:
Mathletes... At first when i saw their name,, Math.. urgh.. But i bet there cool just because they have their name like that (tip for bands: Name ur band sumthing really funky!) Their sound is powerpop, pop punk, and just like EA n ATL! They rock, especially because they let listeners to dl their EP for FREE!!!!!
go here...
OK, gtg.. cnt wait till tommrw!!!!
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